
deleted-page Moved to SICP-solutions Some Exercises I have r2q2 completed.

 ;;This program computes the cube root of a number. It also is in block structure 
 (define (exercise-1.8 x) 
   (define (good-enough? guess) 
     (< (abs (- (cube guess) x)) 0.0001)) 
   (define (cubert-iter guess) 
     (if (good-enough? guess) 
         (cubert-iter (improve guess)))) 
   (define (improve guess) 
     (/ (+ (/ x (* guess guess)) (* 2 guess)) 3)) 
   (define (cube y) (* y y y)) 
   (cubert-iter 1.0)) 


You might try this again after completing exercise 1.7; it has the same problems the sqrt defined in the text has.

 ;;Note f(n) is in recursive form  
 (define (f n) 
   (cond ((< n 3) n) 
         ((>= n 3) 
           (f (- n 1)) 
           (* 2 (f (- n 2))) 
           (* 3 (f (- n 3))))))) 
 (f 0) 
 (f 5) 
 (f 10)