
title: riastradh-format wiliki-lwp-version: 1.0 mtime: 1170175454

This is Riastradh's alternate proposal for formatting, as concocted when Brian Mastenbrook approached him with a horrible use of Common Lisp's FORMAT.


(MYTHICAL-FORMAT output-spec formatter-expression ...) is defined to format output to output-spec -- an output port, #F, or #T -- with the given formatter expressions. The meaning of each type of formatter expression is described in brief here, in a rather informal list:

char or string

Emits char or string literally.

(OUTPUT-EC qualifier ... formatter-expression)

An eager comprehension, sort of, for emitting output, in the style of SRFI 42; qualifier is a regular SRFI 42 qualifier, and formatter-expression is used in the place of a regular Scheme expression for the value expression in the comprehension.

(:LIST-PAIRS pattern [(INDEX variable)] list ...)

A new generator not defined in SRFI 42 that produces pairs from the list, rather than just the elements; it is also extended by allowing for pattern matching rather than just a plain variable.

(SEQUENCE formatter-expression ...)

Formats each formatter-expression in sequence.

(PAD-LEFT width char . body)

Evaluates BODY as a formatter body, but pad it on the left to WIDTH with CHAR, which are both evaluated normally.

(NUMBER number radix)

Evaluates number & radix normally and emits the value that evaluating (NUMBER->STRING number radix) produces.

(IF condition consequent [ alternative ])

Evaluates condition normally. If it evaluates to a true value, formats the formatter expression consequent; if condition evaluates to #F & alternative is present, formats alternative as a formatter expression, and if alternative is not present, this does nothing.

(DISPLAY object)

Evaluates object normally and emits the result as with DISPLAY.


Observe the transition from the unbelievably ugly & unreadable Common Lisp FORMAT to verbose Scheme to less verbose Scheme to a wicked cool-looking hypothetical formatter macro.

 ;;; Original Common Lisp code, using CL's FORMAT. 
 (defun format-edit-matrix (output matrix) 
   (format output 
           "      ~{~3<C~A~>~^ ~}~%~{~{~3<R~A~> ~:*~[~;[~:; ~][~{~3<~:[~;~:*~A~]~>~^ ~}]~}~^~%~}]" 
           (loop for i from 1 to (length (car matrix)) collect i) 
           (loop for i from 1 for row in matrix collect 
                 (list i 
                       (loop for j from 1 for column in row collect 
                             (if (>= j i) column nil)))))) 
 ;;; Translation of the above CL code into Scheme, for readability. 
 (define (display-to-string object) 
   (let ((port (open-output-string))) 
     (display object port) 
     (get-output-string port))) 
 (define (nchars n char) 
   (if (eqv? n 0) 
       (cons char (nchars (- n 1) char)))) 
 (define (justify string-object mincol charpad) 
   (let ((len (string-length string-object))) 
     (if (< len mincol) 
         (string-append (apply string (nchars (- mincol len) charpad)) 
 (define (convoluted-formatter output row-headers matrix) 
   (display "      " output) 
   (let loop ((head-list row-headers)) 
      (justify (string-append "C" (display-to-string (car head-list))) 
               3 #\space) 
     (if (null? (cdr head-list)) 
         (newline output) 
           (display " " output) 
           (loop (cdr head-list))))) 
    (lambda (l) 
      (let ((row-with-label (car l))) 
        (display (justify (string-append "R" 
                                          (car row-with-label))) 
                          3 #\space) 
        (if (eqv? (car row-with-label) 1) 
            (display " [[" output) 
            (display "  [" output)) 
        (for-each (lambda (elt) 
                    (display (justify (if elt 
                                          (display-to-string elt) 
                                      3 #\space) 
                    (display " " output)) 
                  (second row-with-label)) 
        (display "]" output)) 
      (if (not (null? (cdr l))) 
          (newline output))) 
   (display "]" output)) 
 (define (format-edit-matrix output matrix) 
   (convoluted-formatter output 
     (let loop ((index 1) 
                (list-head (car matrix))) 
       (if (null? list-head) 
           (cons index (loop (+ index 1) (cdr list-head))))) 
     (let loop ((index 1) 
                (list-head matrix)) 
       (if (null? list-head) 
           (cons (list index 
                       (let loop ((jndex 1) 
                                  (list-head (car list-head))) 
                         (if (null? list-head) 
                             (cons (and (>= jndex index) 
                                        (car list-head)) 
                                   (loop (+ jndex 1) 
                                         (cdr list-head)))))) 
                 (loop (+ index 1) (cdr list-head))))))) 
 ;;; Similar code, but using SRFI 42's DO-EC instead of manual loops. 
 (define (format-edit-matrix out matrix) 
   (display "      " out) 
   (do-ec (:list-pairs (_ . tail) (index i) (car matrix)) 
            (call-with-left-padding-port 3 #\space out 
              (lambda (out) 
                (write-char #\C out) 
                (display (number->string i 10 out)))) 
            (if (null? tail) 
                (newline out) 
                (write-char #\space out)))) 
   (do-ec (:list-pairs ((label row) . tail) (index i) 
                       (cdr matrix)) 
            (call-with-left-padding-port 3 #\space out 
              (lambda (out) 
                (write-char #\R out) 
                (display label out))) 
            (write-char #\space out) 
            (write-char (if (zero? i) #\[ #\space) out) 
            (write-char #\[ out) 
            (do-ec (:list elt row) 
                     (call-with-left-padding-port 3 #\space out 
                       (lambda (out) 
                         (display (or elt "") out))) 
                     (write-char #\space out))) 
            (if (null? tail) (write-char #\] out)) 
            (newline out)))) 
 ;;; Mythical formatter 
 (define (format-edit-matrix out matrix) 
   (mythical-format out 
     "      " (output-ec (:list-pairs (_ . tail) (index i) (car matrix)) 
                  (pad-left 3 #\space #\C (number i 10)) 
                  (if (null? tail) 
                      " "))) 
     (output-ec (:list-pairs ((label row) . tail) 
                             (index i) 
                             (car matrix)) 
         (pad-left 3 #\space #\R (display label)) 
         (if (zero? i) #\[ #\space) 
         (output-ec (:list elt row) 
           (sequence (pad-left 3 #\space (display (or elt ""))) 
         (if (null? tail) #\]) 