rotated palindromes

Write a predicate that determines if a circular sequence is a palindrome

 $ cat rp.rkt 
 #lang racket 
 (define (rotpal v) 
   ; Return true iff the given vector contains a palindrome starting at 
   ; some index. 
   (define N (vector-length v)) 
   (define half-size (floor (/ N 2))) 
   (define (elements-match i j) 
     ; Return true iff the elements at the given indices are equal. 
     (let ((f (lambda (i) (modulo i N)))) 
       (= (vector-ref v (f i)) (vector-ref v (f j))))) 
   (define (check-halves fst lst) 
     ; Return true iff v[fst..fst + half-size) equals 
     ; v (lst - half-size..lst]. 
     (let loop ((f fst) (l lst) (n half-size)) 
          ((< n 0) 
          ((elements-match f l) 
            (loop (+ f 1) (- l 1) (- n 1))) 
     (if (< N 2) 
         (lambda (k) 
           (if (odd? N) 
             (do ((i 0 (+ i 1))) ((>= i N) #f) 
               (when (check-halves (+ i 1) (- i 1)) 
                 (k #t))) 
             (do ((i 0 (+ i 1))) ((>= i half-size) #f) 
               (when (check-halves i (- i 1)) 
                 (k #t)))))))) 
   (except-in "utl.rkt" fibonacci)) 
 (define unpal (lambda (v) (not (rotpal v)))) 
 (check-pred rotpal #(0 1 1)) 
 (check-pred rotpal #(1 1 0 0)) 
 (check-pred rotpal #(0 1 2 3 4 3 2 1 0)) 
 (check-pred rotpal #(3 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 2)) 
 (check-pred unpal #(0 1 2)) 
 (check-pred unpal #(0 1 0 1)) 
 (define (check-permutations l expected) 
   ; Count all the palindromes in the given list and check if the count 
   ; equals the given value. 
     ((cnt 0)) 
     (call-with-vector-permutations (list->vector l) 
       (lambda (v) 
         (when (rotpal v) 
           (set! cnt (+ cnt 1))))) 
     (check-eq? cnt expected))) 
 (define (check-odd-permutations n) 
   ; Count permutations in sequences of length 2n + 1. 
     (cons -1 (append (range n) (range n))) 
     ; The -1 palindrome hinge can appear in 2n + 1 positions.  There 
     ; are n!  palindrome halves.  By distinguishing the same digit in 
     ; both ranges (by a subscript or being different colors, for 
     ; example), each palindrome half appears in 2^n variations (all 
     ; digits from the left range, the first digit from the right range 
     ; and all the rest from the left range, and so on). 
     (* (+ (* 2 n) 1) (factorial n) (expt 2 n)))) 
 (define (check-even-permutations n) 
   ; Count permutations in sequences of length 2n. 
     (append (range n) (range n)) 
     ; There are n! palindrome halves.  As above, with distinguished 
     ; digits each palindrome half appears in 2^n variations.  A 
     ; palindrome half can start at any of n positions. 
     (* (factorial n) (expt 2 n) n))) 
 (define max 4) 
   (lambda (n) 
     (check-odd-permutations n) 
     (check-even-permutations n)) 
   (range 1 max)) 
 $ mzscheme rp.rkt 