
P93 (***) Arithmetic puzzle: Given a list of integer numbers, find a correct way of inserting arithmetic signs such that the result is a correct equation. The idea to the problem is from Roland Beuret. Thanx.

Example: With the list of numbers [2,3,5,7,11] we can form the equations 2-3+5+7 = 11 or 2 = (3*5+7)/11 (and ten others!).

 ; remaining = list of number still to add
 ; val-stack = evaluated numbers on stack
 ; str-stack = expression strings corresponding to val-stack
 ; prec-stack = precedence of stack for parenthesis
 ; 0 = number, 1 = mul and div, 2 = add and sub
 ; if left op is <= current, no need to paren
 ; if right op is < current, no need to paren
 (define (p93 remaining val-stack str-stack prec-stack)
  (if (and (null? remaining) (= (length val-stack) 2) )
      ; time to check for equality
      (cond ((= (first val-stack) (second val-stack))
             (display (second str-stack))
             (display " = ")
             (display (first str-stack))
        (cond ((not (null? remaining))
               ; push another number (precedence 2) on the stack, increasing depth by 1
               (p93 (cdr remaining) 
                         (cons (car remaining) val-stack) 
                         (cons (number->string (car remaining)) str-stack) 
                         (cons 2 prec-stack))))
        (cond ((>= (length val-stack) 2)
               ; try each operator on the top two stack elements, push result, strings, and precedence
               (let ((try-op (lambda (op-func op-str op-prec)
                               (p93 remaining 
                                         (cons (op-func (second val-stack) (first val-stack)) (cddr val-stack)) 
                                         (cons (parenth (second str-stack) (second prec-stack) (first str-stack) (first prec-stack) op-str op-prec) (cddr str-stack))
                                         (cons op-prec (cddr prec-stack))))))
                     (try-op + "+" 0)
                     (try-op - "-" 0)
                     (try-op * "*" 1)
                     (cond ( (not (= (first val-stack) 0))
                       (try-op / "/" 1)))))))))
 (define (parenth left-str left-prec right-str right-prec op-str op-prec)
   (if (>= left-prec op-prec)
       (string-append "(" left-str ")"))
   (if (> right-prec op-prec)
       (string-append "(" right-str ")"))))
 (define first car)
 (define second cadr)