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Solution 1

 (define (iter-fast-expt b n) 
   (define (iter N B A) 
     (cond ((= 0 N) A) 
           ((even? N) (iter (/ N 2) (square B) A)) 
           (else (iter (- N 1) B (* B A))))) 
   (iter n b 1)) 


(iter N B A) = B^N * A

This claim implies that iter-fast-expt is correct:

(iter-fast-expt b n)
= (iter n b 1)
= b^n * 1 by claim
= b^n

Proof of claim.

Induction on N.

Case 1: N = 0.

(iter N B A)
= (iter 0 B A)
= A
= B^0 * A
= B^N * A

Case 2: N > 0 and N is even.

(iter N B A)
= (iter N/2 B^2 A)
= (B^2)^(N/2) * A by the inductive hypothesis
= B^N * A

Case 3: N > 0 and N is odd.

(iter N B A)
= (iter N-1 B B*A)
= B^(N-1) * B*A by the inductive hypothesis
= B^N * A


Solution 2

 (define (fast-expt b n) 
   (define (cube x) (* x x x)) 
   (define (fast-expt-iter b a counter) 
     (cond ((= counter 0) a) 
           ((= counter 1) (* a b)) 
           ((even? counter) (fast-expt-iter  
                              (square b) 
                              (* (square b) a) 
                              (- (/ counter 2) 1))) 
           (else (fast-expt-iter  
                   (square b)  
                   (* (cube b) a) 
                   (- (/ (- counter 1) 2) 1))))) 
   (fast-expt-iter b 1 n))