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Solution using max precision and fix for cube-root of -2 problem. There are still the cube-root of 0 (and cube-root of 100) convergence problem, where the answer approaches 0 (or 100) but never reaches it. (Based on Ex1.7 solution)

 (define (square guess) 
   (* guess guess)) 
 ;not used 
 ;(define (average x guess) 
 ;  (/ (+ x guess) 2)) 
 ;improve square root 
 ;(define (improve guess x) 
 ;  (average guess (/ x guess))) 
 ;cube root improve formula used as is 
 (define (improve guess x) 
   (/ (+ (/ x (square guess)) (* 2 guess)) 3)) 
 ;original test 
 ;(define (good-enough? guess x) 
 ;  (< (abs (- (square guess) x)) 0.001)) 
 ;iterates until guess and next guess are equal, 
 ;automatically produces answer to limit of system precision 
 (define (good-enough? guess x) 
   (= (improve guess x) guess)) 
 (define (3rt-iter guess x) 
   (if (good-enough? guess x) 
       (3rt-iter (improve guess x) x))) 
 ;<<<expression entry point>>> 
 ;change initial guess to 1.1 to prevent an anomalous result for 
 ;cube root of -2 
 (define (3root x) 
   (3rt-iter 1.1 x)) 
Welcome to DrRacket, version 7.5 [3m].
Language: R5RS; memory limit: 128 MB.
> (3root 5)
> (3root -2)
> (3root 27)
> (3root 0)
> (3root 100000000000000.0001)

The solution presented here is based on the solution for sicp-ex-1.7 and, similarly, uses the alternative strategy for the good-enough? predicate.

 ;; ex 1.8. Based on the solution of ex 1.7. 
 (define (square x) (* x x)) 
 (define (cube-root-iter guess prev-guess x) 
   (if (good-enough? guess prev-guess) 
       (cube-root-iter (improve guess x) guess x))) 
 (define (improve guess x) 
   (average3 (/ x (square guess)) guess guess)) 
 (define (average3 x y z) 
   (/ (+ x y z) 3)) 
 ;; Stop when the difference is less than 1/1000th of the guess 
 (define (good-enough? guess prev-guess) 
   (< (abs (- guess prev-guess)) (abs (* guess 0.001)))) 
 (define (cube-root x) 
   (cube-root-iter 1.0 0.0 x)) 
 ;; Testing 
 (cube-root 1) 
 (cube-root -8) 
 (cube-root 27) 
 (cube-root -1000) 
 (cube-root 1e-30) 
 (cube-root 1e60) 
 ;; this fails for -2 due to zero division :( 
 ;; Fix: take absolute cuberoot and return with sign 
 ;;(define (cube-root x) 
 ;;  ((if (< x 0) - +)(cube-root-iter (improve 1.0 (abs x)) 1 (abs x)))) 
 (define (cube x) 
   (* x x x)) 
 (define (improve guess x) 
   (/ (+ (/ x (square guess)) (* 2 guess)) 3)) 
 (define (good-enough? guess x) 
   (< (abs (- (cube guess) x)) 0.001)) 
 (define (cube-root-iter guess x) 
   (if (good-enough? guess x) 
       (cube-root-iter (improve guess x) 
 (define (cube-root x) 
   (cube-root-iter 1.0 x)) 
 (define (cube-root x) 
   (cube-root-iter 1.0 x)) 
 (define (cube-root-iter guess x) 
   (if (good-enough? guess x) 
       (cube-root-iter (improve guess x) 
 (define (good-enough? guess x) 
   (< (relative-error guess (improve guess x)) error-threshold)) 
 (define (relative-error estimate reference) 
   (/ (abs (- estimate reference)) reference)) 
 (define (improve guess x) 
   (average3 (/ x (square guess)) guess guess)) 
 (define (average3 x y z) 
   (/ (+ x y z) 3)) 
 (define error-threshold 0.01) 

This solution makes use of the fact that (in LISP) procedures are also data.

 (define (square x) (* x x)) 
 (define (cube x) (* x x x)) 
 (define (good-enough? guess x improve) 
   (< (abs (- (improve guess x) guess)) 
      (abs (* guess 0.001)))) 
 (define (root-iter guess x improve) 
   (if (good-enough? guess x improve) 
       (root-iter (improve guess x) x improve))) 
 (define (sqrt-improve guess x) 
   (/ (+ guess (/ x guess)) 2)) 
 (define (cbrt-improve guess x) 
   (/ (+ (/ x (square guess)) 
         (* 2 guess)) 
 (define (sqrt x) 
   (root-iter 1.0 x sqrt-improve)) 
 (define (cbrt x) 
   (root-iter 1.0 x cbrt-improve)) 

Use the improved good-enough?:

 (define (cube-roots-iter guess prev-guess input) 
   (if (good-enough? guess prev-guess) 
       (cube-roots-iter (improve guess input) guess input))) 
 (define (good-enough? guess prev-guess input) 
   (> 0.001 (/ (abs (- guess prev-guess)) 
               input))) ;; this should be (abs input) to handle negative inputs. Example: (cube-roots -1) should be -1. Before change, output was 0.33. After fix, output is corrected to -1.000000001794607. 
 (define (improve guess input) 
   (/ (+ (/ input (square guess)) 
      (* 2 guess)) 
 (define (square x) 
   (* x x)) 
 ;;to make sure the first input of guess and prev-guess does not pass the predicate accidentally, use improve here once: 
 ;;to make sure float number is implemented, use 1.0 instead of 1: 
 (define (cube-roots x) 
   (cube-roots-iter (improve 1.0 x) 1 x)) 

Chan : I just added one procedure. (But I just made this procedure with low precision. I think you can fix this.) Give me a feedback please.

 (define (cube-root-iter guess x) 
              (if (good-enough? guess x) 
                   (cube-root-iter (improve guess x) x))) 
 (define (improve guess x) 
               (average (/ x (square guess)) (* 2 guess))) 
 (define (average x y) 
              (/ (+ x y) 3)) 
 (define (square x) (* x x)) 
 (define (good-enough? guess x) 
              (< (abs (- (cube guess) x)) (* guess 0.001))) 
 (define (cube x) (* x x x)) 
 (define (cube-root x)  
              (if (< x 0)  
                   (* -1 (cube-root-iter 1.0 (abs x)))  
                   (cube-root-iter 1.0 x))) 
 (cube-root 27) 
 (cube-root -27) 


I think the following hack may solve the infinite loop problem. I noticed that the reason why calculating the cube root of 100 results in an infinite loop is because once the initial guess has been improved a sufficient number of times it toggles between 4.641588833612779 and 4.641588833612778, which I think are represented identically in binary. I don't think it's possible for more than two numbers to have the same binary representations, so "skipping over" every other number by comparing the guess to a twice improved guess should take care of the issue. Maybe my solution has other issues I'm not aware of or is otherwise flawed but I appear to get the same results as with the original solution.

 (define (cube x) 
   (define (cube-iter guess x) 
     (define (improve guess x) 
       (/ (+ (/ x (square guess)) 
             (* 2 guess)) 
     (define (good-enough? guess x) 
       (= (improve (improve guess x) x) guess)) 
     (define (square x) (* x x)) 
     (if (good-enough? guess x) 
         (cube-iter (improve guess x) x))) 
   (cube-iter 1.1 x)) 


I don't think it is because they are represented identically in binary. I think the issue arises because they are not represented identically in binary, even though they are very close.