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Hardest part is thinking of what to name the procedures..

 ;; Helper function 
 (define (stream->list stream n) ;; n is number of elements to add to list 
   (if (= n 0) 
       (cons (stream-car stream) (stream->list (stream-cdr stream) (- n 1))))) 
 ;; Exercise 3.70 
 ;; Part A 
 (define (sum-weight p) 
   (+ (car p) (cadr p))) 
 (define (merge-weighted s1 s2 proc) 
   (cond ((stream-null? s1) s2) 
         ((stream-null? s2) s1) 
          (let ((s1car (stream-car s1)) 
                (s2car (stream-car s2))) 
            (let ((w1 (proc s1car)) 
                  (w2 (proc s2car))) 
              (if (< w1 w2) 
                  (cons-stream s1car 
                               (merge-weighted (stream-cdr s1) s2 proc)) 
                  (cons-stream s2car 
                               (merge-weighted s1 (stream-cdr s2) proc)))))))) 
 (define (weighted-pairs s1 s2 proc) 
  (list (stream-car s1) (stream-car s2)) 
   (stream-map (lambda (x) (list (stream-car s1) x)) (stream-cdr s2)) 
   (weighted-pairs (stream-cdr s1) (stream-cdr s2) proc) 
 ;; test 
 (define ordered-pairs (weighted-pairs integers integers sum-weight)) 
 (map sum-weight (stream->list ordered-pairs 50)) 
 ;; (2 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 ... ) 
 ;; Part B 
 (define (weight p) 
   (+ (* 2 (car p)) 
      (* 3 (cadr p)) 
      (* 5 (car p) (cadr p)))) 
 (define (not-divisible? dividend divisor) 
   (not (= 0 (remainder dividend divisor)))) 
 (define (compound-not-divisible? dividend x y z) 
   (and (not-divisible? dividend x) 
        (not-divisible? dividend y) 
        (not-divisible? dividend z))) 
 (define filtered-integers 
   (stream-filter (lambda (x) (compound-not-divisible? x 2 3 5)) integers)) 
 ;; test 
 (define ordered-conditional-pairs 
   (weighted-pairs filtered-integers filtered-integers weight)) 
 (map weight (stream->list ordered-conditional-pairs 50)) 
 ;; (10 58 90 106 138 154 186 234 250 280 298 330 346...) 


For merge-weighted, it is important to include both stream heads if there is ever a tie in weight; we don't simply discard duplicates the way we did for merge.

 (define (merge-weighted s1 s2 weight) 
   (cond ((stream-null? s1) s2) 
         ((stream-null? s2) s1) 
          (let ((s1car (stream-car s1)) 
                (s2car (stream-car s2))) 
            (let ((w1 (weight s1car)) 
                  (w2 (weight s2car))) 
              (cond ((< w1 w2) 
                     (cons-stream s1car 
                                  (merge-weighted (stream-cdr s1) s2 weight))) 
                    ((> w1 w2) 
                     (cons-stream s2car 
                                  (merge-weighted s1 (stream-cdr s2) weight))) 
                       s2car ;; must include both in case of ties! 
                                   (stream-cdr s1) 
                                   (stream-cdr s2) 

For weighted-pairs, order within the pair doesn't matter, so we need to stream-map twice, similarly to how we implemented all-pairs in a previous exercise. (I assume we are supposed to keep it general like this rather than assume that i <= j, since the condition "i <= j" is given in the examples part and part b).

 ;; note this fails if the stream-maps don't respect the weight order 
 (define (weighted-pairs s t weight) 
    (list (stream-car s) (stream-car t)) 
      (stream-map (lambda (x) (list x (stream-car t))) 
                  (stream-cdr s)) 
      (stream-map (lambda (x) (list (stream-car s) x)) 
                  (stream-cdr t)) 
     (weighted-pairs (stream-cdr s) (stream-cdr t) weight) 
 ;; examples: 
 ;; part a of exercise 
 (define pascal-triangle 
    (lambda (pair) (apply + pair)))) 
 (define (partial-stream->list stream n) 
   (define (rec str i) 
     (if (= i n) 
         (cons (stream-car str) 
               (rec (stream-cdr str) (1+ i))))) 
   (rec stream 0)) 
 ;; utility function to return list of first n items 
 (partial-stream->list pascal-triangle 16) 
 ;; ((1 1) (2 1) (1 2) (3 1) (2 2) (1 3) (4 1) (3 2) 
 ;; (1 4) (2 3) (5 1) (4 2) (1 5) (3 3) (2 4) (6 1)) 
 ;; filter to enforce i <= j 
  (stream-filter (lambda (pair) (apply <= pair)) pascal-triangle) 
 ;; ((1 1) (1 2) (2 2) (1 3) (1 4) (2 3) (1 5) (3 3) 
 ;; (2 4) (1 6) (2 5) (3 4) (1 7) (2 6) (4 4) (3 5)) 
 ;; part b 
 (define (weight-235 pair) 
   (let ((i (first pair)) (j (second pair))) 
     (+ (* 2 i) 
        (* 3 j) 
        (* 5 i j)))) 
 (define all-integer-pairs-by-weight-235 
   (weighted-pairs integers integers weight-235)) 
 (map (lambda (pair) 
        (cons (weight-235 pair) pair)) 
 ;; ((10 1 1) (17 2 1) (18 1 2) (24 3 1) (26 1 3) 
 ;; (30 2 2) (31 4 1) (34 1 4) (38 5 1) (42 1 5) 
 ;; (42 3 2) (43 2 3) (45 6 1) (50 1 6) (52 7 1) (54 4 2)) 
 ;; now filter in order to satisfy part b condition 
 (define (not-divisible-by-235? n) 
   (not (or (even? n) 
            (zero? (remainder n 3)) 
            (zero? (remainder n 5))))) 
 (define (part-b-condition? pair) 
   (let ((i (first pair)) (j (second pair))) 
     (and (<= i j) 
          (not-divisible-by-235? i) 
          (not-divisible-by-235? j)))) 
 ;; part b result 
 ;; ((1 1) (1 7) (1 11) (1 13) (1 17) (1 19) (1 23) 
 ;; (1 29) (1 31) (7 7) (1 37) (1 41) (1 43) (1 47) 
 ;; (1 49) (1 53) (7 11) (1 59) (1 61) (7 13) 


 (define (merge-weighted s1 s2 weight) 
   (cond ((stream-null? s1) s2) 
         ((stream-null? s2) s1) 
          (let ((cars1 (stream-car s1)) 
                (cars2 (stream-car s2))) 
            (cond ((< (weight cars1) (weight cars2)) 
                   (cons-stream cars1 
                                (merge-weighted (stream-cdr s1) s2 weight))) 
                  ((= (weight cars1) (weight cars2)) 
                   (cons-stream cars1 
                                (merge-weighted (stream-cdr s1) s2 weight))) 
                   (cons-stream cars2 
                                (merge-weighted s1 (stream-cdr s2) weight)))))))) 
 (define (weighted-pairs s1 s2 weight) 
   (cons-stream (list (stream-car s1) (stream-car s2)) 
                 (stream-map (lambda (x) (list (stream-car s1) x)) 
                             (stream-cdr s2)) 
                 (weighted-pairs (stream-cdr s1) (stream-cdr s2) weight) 
 (define weight1 (lambda (x) (+ (car x) (cadr x)))) 
 (define pairs1 (weighted-pairs integers integers weight1)) 
 (define weight2  
   (lambda (x) (+ (* 2 (car x)) (* 3 (cadr x)) (* 5 (car x) (cadr x))))) 
 (define (divide? x y) (= (remainder y x) 0)) 
 (define stream235 
   (stream-filter (lambda (x)  
                    (not (or (divide? 2 x) (divide? 3 x) (divide? 5 x)))) 
 (define pairs2 (weighted-pairs stream235 stream235 weight2)) 


Another way for part (b) is: use stream from sicp-ex-3.56 to create weighted-pairs.


i think the WEIGHT function takes two arguments rather than one. So i don't understand meteorgan's solution

The weight procedure should accept one argument, which is a pair. Note that in this exercise, the merge-weighted procedure operates on a stream of pairs.


 (define (merge-weighted s1 s2 weight) 
   (cond ((stream-null? s1) s2) 
         ((stream-null? s2) s1) 
          (let ((s1car (stream-car s1)) (s2car (stream-car s2))) 
            (cond ((< (weight s1car) (weight s2car)) 
                    (merge-weighted (stream-cdr s1) s2 weight))) 
                  ((> (weight s1car) (weight s2car)) 
                    (merge-weighted s1 (stream-cdr s2) weight))) 
                     (merge-weighted (stream-cdr s1) 
                                     (stream-cdr s2) weight))))))))) 


 (define (merge-weighted stream1 stream2 weight) 
   (cond ((stream-null? stream1) stream2) 
         ((stream-null? stream2) stream1) 
          (let ((stream1-car (stream-car stream1)) 
                (stream2-car (stream-car stream2))) 
            (if (> (weight stream1-car) (weight stream2-car)) 
                 (merge-weighted stream1 (stream-cdr stream2) weight)) 
                 (merge-weighted (stream-cdr stream1) stream2 weight))))))) 
 (define (weighted-pairs s t weight) 
    (list (stream-car s) (stream-car t)) 
     (stream-map (lambda (x) (list (stream-car s) x)) (stream-cdr t)) 
     (weighted-pairs (stream-cdr s) (stream-cdr t) weight) 
 ; a) 
 (weighted-pairs integers integers (lambda (pair) (apply + pair))) 
 ; b) 
 (define 2-3-5-number 
     (scale-stream integers 2) 
     (scale-stream integers 3)) 
    (scale-stream integers 5))) 
  (lambda (pair) 
    (let ((i (car pair)) 
          (j (cadr pair))) 
      (+ (* 2 i) (* 3 j) (* 5 i j))))) 

@Sphinxsky answer for b is incorrect. there i and j are only divisible by by 2,3 or 5, but they should both not be divisible by either of these numbers. Meteorgans solution is correct (didn't bother to check the rest)


Isn't all answers incorrect, considering that the first pair is never compared?

First pair is correct by definition, see the footnote 197:

We will require that the weighting function be such that the weight of a pair increases as we move out along a row or down along a column of the array of pairs.