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(define (let? exp-) (tagged-list? exp- 'let-)) (define (let-body exp-) (cddr exp-)) (define (let-variables exp-) (cadr exp-)) (define (consortium-variable consortium) (car consortium)) (define (consortium-value consortium) (cadr consortium)) (define (separate variables) (define (iter variables variable value) (if (null? variables) (cons (reverse variable) (reverse value)) (let ((first (car variables))) (iter (cdr variables) (cons (consortium-variable first) variable) (cons (consortium-value first) value))))) (iter variables '() '())) (define (analyze-let exp-) (let* ((vars-vals (separate (let-variables exp-))) (lambda-exp (make-lambda (car vars-vals) (let-body exp-))) (ana-lambda (analyze-lambda lambda-exp)) (args (map analyze (cdr vars-vals)))) (lambda (env) (execute-application (ana-lambda env) (map (lambda (arg) (arg env)) args))))) ; add in analyze ((let? exp-) (analyze-let exp-))
For the sake of completion, adding the let->combination functions (which is already there in exercise 4.6)