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;;; Exercise 4.78
(load "ch4-ambeval.scm")

(define input-prompt ";;; Query input:")
(define output-prompt ";;; Query results:")

(define (qeval query frame succeed fail)
  ((analyze query) frame succeed fail))

;;; predicates
(define (and? query) (tagged-list? query 'and))
(define (or? query) (tagged-list? query 'or))
(define (not? query) (tagged-list? query 'not))
(define (lisp-value? query) (tagged-list? query 'lisp-value))

(define (analyze query)
  (cond ((and? query) (analyze-and (contents query)))
        ((or? query) (analyze-or (contents query)))
        ((lisp-value? query) (analyze-lisp-value (contents query)))
        ((not? query) (analyze-not (contents query)))
        (else (analyze-simple query))))

(define (analyze-lisp-value call)
  (lambda (frame succeed fail)
    (if (execute
          (lambda (v f)
            (error "Unknown pat var -- LISP-VALUE" v))))
        (succeed frame fail)

(define (analyze-not operands)
  (lambda (frame succeed fail)
    ((analyze (negated-query operands))
     (lambda (ext fail2)
     (lambda () (succeed frame fail)))))

(define (analyze-or disjuncts)
  (lambda (frame succeed fail)
    (define (try)
      ((analyze (car disjuncts))
       (lambda ()
         ((analyze-or (cdr disjuncts))
          frame succeed fail))))
    (if (empty-disjunction? disjuncts)
        (succeed frame fail)

(define (analyze-and conjuncts)
  (lambda (frame succeed fail)
    (define (try)
      ((analyze (car conjuncts))
       (lambda (ext fail2)
         ((analyze-and (cdr conjuncts))
          ext succeed fail2))
    (if (empty-conjunction? conjuncts)
        (succeed frame fail)

;;; rewritten
(define (rule-body rule)
  (if (null? (cddr rule))
      (caddr rule)))

(define (analyze-simple query)
  (lambda (frame succeed fail)
    (define (try-assertion assertions)
      (if (stream-null? assertions)
          (try-rule (fetch-rules query frame))
          (let ((ext (pattern-match query (stream-car assertions) frame))
                (fail2 (lambda () (try-assertion (stream-cdr assertions)))))
            (if (succeeded? ext)
                (succeed ext fail2)

    (define (try-rule rules)
      (if (stream-null? rules)
          (let* ((clean-rule (rename-variables-in (stream-car rules)))
                 (ext (unify-match query (conclusion clean-rule) frame))
                 (fail2 (lambda () (try-rule (stream-cdr rules)))))
            (if (succeeded? ext)
                (if (rule-body clean-rule)
                    (qeval (rule-body clean-rule)
                           succeed fail2)
                    (succeed ext fail2))
    (try-assertion (fetch-assertions query frame))

(define (driver-loop)
  (define (internal-loop try-again)
    (prompt-for-input input-prompt)
    (let ((q (query-syntax-process (read))))
       ;; ((eq? q '#!eof) 'goodbye!)
       ((eq? q 'try-again) (try-again))
       ((assertion-to-be-added? q)
        (add-rule-or-assertion! (add-assertion-body q))
        (display "Assertion added to assertions base.")
       (else (newline)
             (display ";;; Starting a new problem ")
             (qeval q
                    '()  ; an empty frame
                    ;; ambeval success
                    (lambda (val next-alternative)
                      (announce-output output-prompt)
                       (instantiate q
                                    (lambda (v f)
                                      (contract-question-mark v))))
                      (internal-loop next-alternative))
                    ;; ambeval failure
                    (lambda ()
                       ";;; There are no more values of")
                      (user-print q)
   (lambda ()
     (display ";;; There is no current problem")


;;; Query input:
(big-shot ?p ?q)

;;; Starting a new problem
;;; Query results:
(big-shot (Aull DeWitt) administration)

;;; Query input:

;;; Query results:
(big-shot (Cratchet Robert) accounting)

;;; Query input:

;;; Query results:
(big-shot (Scrooge Eben) accounting)

;;; Query input:

;;; Query results:
(big-shot (Scrooge Eben) accounting)

;;; Query input:
(reverse (1 2 3) ?x)

;;; Starting a new problem
;;; Query results:
(reverse (1 2 3) (3 2 1))

;;; Query input:
(and (replace ?p2 ?p1)
            (salary ?p1 ?s1)
            (salary ?p2 ?s2)
            (lisp-value > ?s2 ?s1))

;;; Starting a new problem
;;; Query results:
(and (replace (Hacker Alyssa P) (Fect Cy D)) (salary (Fect Cy D) 35000) (salary (Hacker Alyssa P) 40000) (lisp-value > 40000 35000))

;;; Query input:

;;; Query results:
(and (replace (Warbucks Oliver) (Aull DeWitt)) (salary (Aull DeWitt) 25000) (salary (Warbucks Oliver) 150000) (lisp-value > 150000 25000))

;;; Query input:

;;; There are no more values of
(and (replace (? p2) (? p1)) (salary (? p1) (? s1)) (salary (? p2) (? s2)) (lisp-value > (? s2) (? s1)))

Q: You will probably also find, however, that your new query language has subtle differences in behavior from the one implemented here.Can you find examples that illustrate this difference?

A: See ``(big-shot ?p ?q)`` (There are many duplicate answers).


Here I think the author is asking us to implement the query language interpreter as a user APPLICATION program on top of the underlying host non deterministic (amb) language rather than as an EXTENSION to it as poly and revc did above.

For example, some key modification to highlight with:

 ; either match an assertion or a query 
 (define (simple-query query-pattern frame) 
     (amb (find-assertions query-pattern frame) 
          (apply-rules query-pattern frame))) 
 ; match any of the OR disjuncts 
 (define (disjoin disjuncts frame) 
     (qeval (an-element-of disjuncts) frame)) 
 ; match any of the assertions 
 (define (find-assertions pattern frame) 
     (let ((datum (an-element-of (fetch-assertions pattern frame)))) 
         (check-an-assertion datum pattern frame))) 
 ; apply any of the rules 
 (define (apply-rules pattern frame) 
     (let ((rule (an-element-of (fetch-rules pattern frame)))) 
         (apply-a-rule rule pattern frame))) 
 ; if-fail from ex_4.52. 
 ; The idea is to ensure failure or else we trackback. 
 ; It mgith be better to implement a special form require-fail in the amb evaluator for this which I also implemented in the code link below 
 (define (negate operands frame) 
     (let ((result 'failed)) 
                 (qeval (negated-query operands) frame) 
                 (permanent-set! result 'success) ; at least one match found 
                 (amb))  ; exhaust the alternatives of success matches 
             (if (eq? result 'failed) 
 ; use require to filter lisp-value 
 (define (lisp-value call frame) 
                 (lambda (v f) 
                     (error "Unknown pat var -- LISP-VALUE" v))))) 

That's basically it. Note that we use if-fail construct from exercise 4.52 to deal with NOT clause. Another place we need to pay attention to is that we should call (amb) directly instead of tag 'failed frames during pattern matching or unification.

Another interesting thing to notice is that we can have two driver loops at play during runtime, with the logic driver loop being nested in the Amb driver loop! See my complete code for walking through the solution.

The difference in this none deterministic paradigm with the original stream approach is that (using the amb evaluator the book provided) we cannot deal with infinite outputs or output the answers in an interleaving style as in the stream approach.