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;;;;EXPLICIT-CONTROL EVALUATOR FROM SECTION 5.4 OF ;;;; STRUCTURE AND INTERPRETATION OF COMPUTER PROGRAMS ;;;;Matches code in ch5.scm ;;; To use it ;;; -- load "load-eceval.scm", which loads this file and the ;;; support it needs (including the register-machine simulator) ;;; -- To initialize and start the machine, do ;; (define the-global-environment (setup-environment)) ;; (start ecleval) ;; To restart, can do just ;: (start ecleval) ;;;;;;;;;; ;;**NB. To [not] monitor stack operations, comment in/[out] the line after ;; print-result in the machine controller below ;;**Also choose the desired make-stack version in regsim.scm (define ecleval-operations (list ;;primitive Scheme operations (list 'read read) ;;operations in syntax.scm (list 'self-evaluating? self-evaluating?) (list 'quoted? quoted?) (list 'text-of-quotation text-of-quotation) (list 'variable? variable?) (list 'assignment? assignment?) (list 'assignment-variable assignment-variable) (list 'assignment-value assignment-value) (list 'definition? definition?) (list 'definition-variable definition-variable) (list 'definition-value definition-value) (list 'lambda? lambda?) (list 'lambda-parameters lambda-parameters) (list 'lambda-body lambda-body) (list 'if? if?) (list 'if-predicate if-predicate) (list 'if-consequent if-consequent) (list 'if-alternative if-alternative) (list 'begin? begin?) (list 'begin-actions begin-actions) (list 'last-exp? last-exp?) (list 'first-exp first-exp) (list 'rest-exps rest-exps) (list 'application? application?) (list 'operator operator) (list 'operands operands) (list 'no-operands? no-operands?) (list 'first-operand first-operand) (list 'rest-operands rest-operands) ;; support cond (list 'cond? cond?) (list 'cond->if cond->if) ;;operations in eceval-support.scm (list 'true? true?) (list 'make-procedure make-procedure) (list 'compound-procedure? compound-procedure?) (list 'procedure-parameters procedure-parameters) (list 'procedure-body procedure-body) (list 'procedure-environment procedure-environment) (list 'extend-environment extend-environment) (list 'lookup-variable-value lookup-variable-value) (list 'set-variable-value! set-variable-value!) (list 'define-variable! define-variable!) (list 'primitive-procedure? primitive-procedure?) (list 'apply-primitive-procedure apply-primitive-procedure) (list 'prompt-for-input prompt-for-input) (list 'announce-output announce-output) (list 'user-print user-print) (list 'empty-arglist empty-arglist) (list 'adjoin-arg adjoin-arg) (list 'last-operand? last-operand?) (list 'no-more-exps? no-more-exps?) ;for non-tail-recursive machine (list 'get-global-environment get-global-environment) ;; the operations of thunk (list 'delay-it delay-it) (list 'thunk? thunk?) (list 'evaluated-thunk? evaluated-thunk?) (list 'thunk-exp thunk-exp) (list 'thunk-env thunk-env) (list 'thunk-value thunk-value) (list 'set-car! set-car!) (list 'set-cdr! set-cdr!) (list 'cdr cdr) (list 'car car) (list 'pretty-print pretty-print) (list 'display display) ) ) (define ecleval (make-machine '(exp env val proc argl continue unev) ecleval-operations '( ;;SECTION 5.4.4 read-eval-print-loop (perform (op initialize-stack)) (perform (op prompt-for-input) (const ";;; LAZY-Eval input:")) (assign exp (op read)) (assign env (op get-global-environment)) (assign continue (label print-result)) (goto (label actual-value)) ;** print-result ;;**following instruction optional -- if use it, need monitored stack (perform (op print-stack-statistics)) (perform (op announce-output) (const ";;; LAZY-Eval value:")) (perform (op user-print) (reg val)) (goto (label read-eval-print-loop)) unknown-expression-type (assign val (const unknown-expression-type-error)) (goto (label signal-error)) unknown-procedure-type (restore continue) (assign val (const unknown-procedure-type-error)) (goto (label signal-error)) signal-error (perform (op user-print) (reg val)) (goto (label read-eval-print-loop)) ;;SECTION 5.4.1 eval-dispatch (test (op self-evaluating?) (reg exp)) (branch (label ev-self-eval)) (test (op variable?) (reg exp)) (branch (label ev-variable)) (test (op quoted?) (reg exp)) (branch (label ev-quoted)) (test (op assignment?) (reg exp)) (branch (label ev-assignment)) (test (op definition?) (reg exp)) (branch (label ev-definition)) (test (op if?) (reg exp)) (branch (label ev-if)) (test (op cond?) (reg exp)) (branch (label ev-cond)) (test (op lambda?) (reg exp)) (branch (label ev-lambda)) (test (op begin?) (reg exp)) (branch (label ev-begin)) (test (op application?) (reg exp)) (branch (label ev-application)) (goto (label unknown-expression-type)) ev-self-eval (assign val (reg exp)) (goto (reg continue)) ev-variable (assign val (op lookup-variable-value) (reg exp) (reg env)) (goto (reg continue)) ev-quoted (assign val (op text-of-quotation) (reg exp)) (goto (reg continue)) ev-lambda (assign unev (op lambda-parameters) (reg exp)) (assign exp (op lambda-body) (reg exp)) ;; (perform (op pretty-print) (reg continue)) ;TEST (assign val (op make-procedure) (reg unev) (reg exp) (reg env)) ;; (perform (op pretty-print) (reg continue)) ;TEST (goto (reg continue)) ev-application ;EMPTY OPERANDS TODO (save continue) (save env) (assign unev (op operands) (reg exp)) (save unev) (assign exp (op operator) (reg exp)) (assign continue (label ev-appl-did-operator)) (goto (label actual-value)) ;** ev-appl-did-operator (restore unev) (restore env) (assign argl (op empty-arglist)) (assign proc (reg val)) ;** (test (op no-operands?) (reg unev)) (branch (label apply-dispatch)) (test (op compound-procedure?) (reg proc)) (branch (label compound-loop)) ;** (save proc) (test (op primitive-procedure?) (reg proc)) (branch (label primitive-loop)) ;** (restore proc) (goto (label unknown-procedure-type)) ;;; ** primitive-loop (save argl) (assign exp (op first-operand) (reg unev)) (test (op last-operand?) (reg unev)) (branch (label primitive-last-arg)) (save env) (save unev) (assign continue (label primitive-accumulate-arg)) (goto (label actual-value)) primitive-accumulate-arg (restore unev) (restore env) (restore argl) (assign argl (op adjoin-arg) (reg val) (reg argl)) (assign unev (op rest-operands) (reg unev)) (goto (label primitive-loop)) primitive-last-arg (assign continue (label primitive-accum-last-arg)) (goto (label actual-value)) primitive-accum-last-arg (restore argl) (assign argl (op adjoin-arg) (reg val) (reg argl)) (restore proc) (goto (label primitive-apply)) primitive-apply (assign val (op apply-primitive-procedure) (reg proc) (reg argl)) (restore continue) (goto (reg continue)) ;;;** compound-loop (assign exp (op first-operand) (reg unev)) (test (op last-operand?) (reg unev)) (branch (label compound-accum-last-arg)) compound-accumulate-arg (assign val (op delay-it) (reg exp) (reg env)) ;** (assign argl (op adjoin-arg) (reg val) (reg argl)) (assign unev (op rest-operands) (reg unev)) (goto (label compound-loop)) compound-accum-last-arg (assign val (op delay-it) (reg exp) (reg env)) ;** (assign argl (op adjoin-arg) (reg val) (reg argl)) (goto (label compound-apply)) compound-apply (assign unev (op procedure-parameters) (reg proc)) (assign env (op procedure-environment) (reg proc)) (assign env (op extend-environment) (reg unev) (reg argl) (reg env)) (assign unev (op procedure-body) (reg proc)) (goto (label ev-sequence)) apply-dispatch (test (op primitive-procedure?) (reg proc)) (branch (label primitive-apply)) (test (op compound-procedure?) (reg proc)) (branch (label compound-apply)) (goto (label unknown-procedure-type)) actual-value (save continue) (assign continue (label after-eval)) (goto (label eval-dispatch)) after-eval (assign continue (label after-force)) (goto (label force-it)) after-force (restore continue) (goto (reg continue)) force-it (test (op thunk?) (reg val)) (branch (label ev-thunk)) (test (op evaluated-thunk?) (reg val)) (branch (label ev-evaluated-thunk)) (goto (reg continue)) ev-thunk (save continue) (save val) (assign env (op thunk-env) (reg val)) (assign exp (op thunk-exp) (reg val)) (assign continue (label after-thunk)) (goto (label actual-value)) after-thunk ;; the register exp stores the thunk (restore exp) (restore continue) (perform (op set-car!) (reg exp) (const evaluated-thunk)) (assign exp (op cdr) (reg exp)) (perform (op set-car!) (reg exp) (reg val)) (perform (op set-cdr!) (reg exp) (const ())) (goto (reg continue)) ev-evaluated-thunk (assign val (op thunk-value) (reg val)) (goto (reg continue)) ;;;SECTION 5.4.2 ev-begin (assign unev (op begin-actions) (reg exp)) (save continue) (goto (label ev-sequence)) ev-sequence (assign exp (op first-exp) (reg unev)) (test (op last-exp?) (reg unev)) (branch (label ev-sequence-last-exp)) (save unev) (save env) (assign continue (label ev-sequence-continue)) (goto (label eval-dispatch)) ev-sequence-continue (restore env) (restore unev) (assign unev (op rest-exps) (reg unev)) (goto (label ev-sequence)) ev-sequence-last-exp (restore continue) (goto (label eval-dispatch)) ;;;SECTION 5.4.3 ev-if (save exp) (save env) (save continue) (assign continue (label ev-if-decide)) (assign exp (op if-predicate) (reg exp)) (goto (label eval-dispatch)) ev-if-decide (restore continue) (restore env) (restore exp) (test (op true?) (reg val)) (branch (label ev-if-consequent)) ev-if-alternative (assign exp (op if-alternative) (reg exp)) (goto (label eval-dispatch)) ev-if-consequent (assign exp (op if-consequent) (reg exp)) (goto (label eval-dispatch)) ev-assignment (assign unev (op assignment-variable) (reg exp)) (save unev) (assign exp (op assignment-value) (reg exp)) (save env) (save continue) (assign continue (label ev-assignment-1)) (goto (label eval-dispatch)) ev-assignment-1 (restore continue) (restore env) (restore unev) (perform (op set-variable-value!) (reg unev) (reg val) (reg env)) (assign val (const ok)) (goto (reg continue)) ev-definition (assign unev (op definition-variable) (reg exp)) (save unev) (assign exp (op definition-value) (reg exp)) (save env) (save continue) (assign continue (label ev-definition-1)) (goto (label eval-dispatch)) ev-definition-1 (restore continue) (restore env) (restore unev) (perform (op define-variable!) (reg unev) (reg val) (reg env)) (assign val (const ok)) (goto (reg continue)) ;;; Exercise 5.23 ev-cond (assign exp (op cond->if) (reg exp)) (goto (label eval-dispatch)) ))) '(EXPLICIT CONTROL LAZY EVALUATOR LOADED) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;test;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;The procedures that prepare for the test (define (cons x y) (lambda (m) (m x y))) (define (car z) (z (lambda (p q) p))) (define (cdr z) (z (lambda (p q) q))) (define (list-ref items n) (if (= n 0) (car items) (list-ref (cdr items) (- n 1)))) (define (map proc items) (if (null? items) '() (cons (proc (car items)) (map proc (cdr items))))) (define (scale-list items factor) (map (lambda (x) (* x factor)) items)) (define (add-lists list1 list2) (cond ((null? list1) list2) ((null? list2) list1) (else (cons (+ (car list1) (car list2)) (add-lists (cdr list1) (cdr list2)))))) (define ones (cons 1 ones)) (define integers (cons 1 (add-lists ones integers))) (define (f) 1) (define (g x y) (+ x y)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; the test results ;;; LAZY-Eval input: (f) (total-pushes = 5 maximum-depth = 5) ;;; LAZY-Eval value: 1 ;;; LAZY-Eval input: (g 1 2) (total-pushes = 22 maximum-depth = 10) ;;; LAZY-Eval value: 3 ;;; LAZY-Eval input: (list-ref integers 20) (total-pushes = 3833 maximum-depth = 217) ;;; LAZY-Eval value: 21 ;;; LAZY-Eval input: (list-ref integers 20) (total-pushes = 1166 maximum-depth = 211) ;;; LAZY-Eval value: 21 ;;; LAZY-Eval input: (car integers) (total-pushes = 22 maximum-depth = 8) ;;; LAZY-Eval value: 1 ;;; LAZY-Eval input: (car (cdr integers)) (total-pushes = 43 maximum-depth = 15) ;;; LAZY-Eval value: 2 ;;; LAZY-Eval input: (+ 1 1) (total-pushes = 12 maximum-depth = 7) ;;; LAZY-Eval value: 2 ;;; LAZY-Eval input: (+) (total-pushes = 5 maximum-depth = 5) ;;; LAZY-Eval value: 0 ;;; LAZY-Eval input: (+ 1 1 1 1) (total-pushes = 20 maximum-depth = 7) ;;; LAZY-Eval value: 4 ;;; LAZY-Eval input: (g 2 3) (total-pushes = 22 maximum-depth = 10) ;;; LAZY-Eval value: 5
We can avoid duplicating the whole structure of list-of-arg-values and list-of-delayed-values by borrowing the "proc" register to switch between actual-value and delay-it mode, depending on whether this is a primitive or compound procedure.
Solution expressed here as a diff from 5.24.
;; Parse error: Spurious closing paren found
--- 5.24.scm 2023-05-11 22:49:45.000000000 -0700 +++ 5.25.scm 2023-05-14 13:05:19.000000000 -0700 @@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ (load "ch5-syntax.scm") (load "ch5-eceval-support.scm") +;; let support (define (let? exp) (tagged-list? exp 'let)) (define (let-bindings exp) (cadr exp)) (define (let-body exp) (caddr exp)) @@ -38,6 +39,21 @@ (make-lambda (bindings->names (let-bindings exp)) (list (let-body exp))) (bindings->values (let-bindings exp)))) +;; thunk support + +(define (delay-it exp env) + (list 'thunk exp env)) + +(define (thunk? obj) + (tagged-list? obj 'thunk)) + +(define (thunk-exp thunk) + (cadr thunk)) + +(define (thunk-env thunk) + (caddr thunk)) + + (define eceval-operations (list @@ -108,6 +124,11 @@ (list 'cdr cdr) (list 'sequence->exp sequence->exp) + (list 'delay-it delay-it) + (list 'thunk? thunk?) + (list 'thunk-exp thunk-exp) + (list 'thunk-env thunk-env) + (list 'let? let?) (list 'let->lambda let->lambda) )) @@ -125,7 +146,7 @@ (assign exp (op read)) (assign env (op get-global-environment)) (assign continue (label print-result)) - (goto (label eval-dispatch)) + (goto (label ev-actual-value)) print-result ;;**following instruction optional -- if use it, need monitored stack (perform (op print-stack-statistics)) @@ -147,6 +168,32 @@ (perform (op user-print) (reg val)) (goto (label read-eval-print-loop)) +;; caller must set up exp and env. does a normal eval, but then +;; forces the result if it's a thunk +ev-actual-value + (save continue) + (save exp) + (save env) + (assign continue (label ev-force-it)) + (goto (label eval-dispatch)) +ev-force-it + (test (op thunk?) (reg val)) + (branch (label ev-force-thunk)) + (goto (label ev-actual-value-done)) +ev-force-thunk + (assign exp (op thunk-exp) (reg val)) + (assign env (op thunk-env) (reg val)) + (assign continue (label ev-actual-value-done)) + (goto (label ev-actual-value)) +ev-actual-value-done + (restore env) + (restore exp) + (restore continue) + (goto (reg continue)) +ev-delay-it + (assign val (op delay-it) (reg exp) (reg env)) + (goto (reg continue)) + ;;SECTION 5.4.1 eval-dispatch (test (op self-evaluating?) (reg exp)) @@ -196,7 +243,7 @@ (save unev) (assign exp (op operator) (reg exp)) (assign continue (label ev-appl-did-operator)) - (goto (label eval-dispatch)) + (goto (label ev-actual-value)) ev-appl-did-operator (restore unev) (restore env) @@ -205,6 +252,16 @@ (test (op no-operands?) (reg unev)) (branch (label apply-dispatch)) (save proc) +ev-maybe-delay + ;; we need to either force or delay the arguments. rather than duplicating instructions, + ;; we will store which one to do in "proc". Proc is saved for us above. + (test (op compound-procedure?) (reg proc)) + (branch (label ev-set-delay)) + (assign proc (label ev-actual-value)) + (goto (label ev-appl-operand-loop)) +ev-set-delay + (assign proc (label ev-delay-it)) + (goto (label ev-appl-operand-loop)) ev-appl-operand-loop (save argl) (assign exp (op first-operand) (reg unev)) @@ -213,8 +270,10 @@ (save env) (save unev) (assign continue (label ev-appl-accumulate-arg)) - (goto (label eval-dispatch)) + (save proc) + (goto (reg proc)) ;; use the flag we set earlier ev-appl-accumulate-arg + (restore proc) (restore unev) (restore env) (restore argl) @@ -282,7 +341,7 @@ (save continue) (assign continue (label ev-if-decide)) (assign exp (op if-predicate) (reg exp)) - (goto (label eval-dispatch)) + (goto (label ev-actual-value)) ev-if-decide (restore continue) (restore env) @@ -371,17 +430,16 @@ (define the-global-environment (setup-environment)) ;(eceval 'trace-on) -;((eceval 'set-breakpoint) 'ev-cond-do 4) -; (set-register-trace! eceval 'exp #t) -; (set-register-trace! eceval 'unev #t) +;((eceval 'set-breakpoint) 'ev-actual-value-done 3) +;(set-register-trace! eceval 'exp #t) + (start eceval) -(define (f a b) - (let ((x a) (y b)) - (cond ((> x y) 'first) - ((< x y) 'second) - (else 'neither)))) - -(f 5 7) -(f 7 5) -(f 5 5) \ No newline at end of file +(define (unless test usual exceptional) + (if test exceptional usual)) + +(define (divide-unless a b) + (unless (= b 0) (/ a b) 'bullshit)) + +(divide-unless 15 5) +(divide-unless 3 0)
I wrote the solution with detailed explanation here: https://nguyenhuythanh.com/posts/sicp-5.25/
My solution can be found here: https://github.com/aos/SICP/blob/master/exercises/ch5/4/ex-25.ss