Available Online
- RnRS - The Revised Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme, the Scheme standard
- HtDP - How to Design Programs
- SICP aka wizard-book - Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
- TSPL - The Scheme Programming Language
- HtUS - How to Use Scheme
- PLAI - Programming Languages: Application and Interpretation
- RealmOfRacket - Game development in Racket, based on LandOfLisp
- Concrete-Abstractions - An Introduction to Computer Science Using Scheme
- schintro - An Introduction to Scheme and its Implementation
- Sketchy-LISP - an introduction to functional programming in Scheme
- Teach-Yourself-Scheme - Teach Yourself Scheme in Fixnum Days
Available in Dead-Tree
- EOPL - Essentials of Programming Languages
- IntroToScheme? - An Introduction to Scheme (a general purpose Scheme summary)
- little-schemer An introduction to scheme
- seasoned-schemer The continuation of the little schemer
- reasoned-schemer An introduction to logical programming in scheme.
- Lisp-In-Small-Pieces (describes interpreters etc...)
- PLAI - Programming Languages: Application and Interpretation
- SATAOP - Scheme and the Art of Programming (improve on description)
- Simply-Scheme - A "prequel" to SICP
Non-Scheme text books
Some text books are not strictly scheme related, but contain information that is useful for a schemer.