

Comprehensive example of wiki formatting

The Knowledge of Paul Graham
The Wisdom of Joel Spolsky

Header 5

Header 4

Header 3

Header 2
Header 1

Main body text



Normal text. But to continue this on
next line, use line break. Without formatting, the text will just wrap to the current width of the current browser window.

If you want to represent a formatting code directly, use 6 single quotes and the codes will print.
{{{ }}}

Verbatim text

Type all characters, codes and formatting freely in mono font in a Verbatim box ~% '''space''' ''mono''
# item *Header [ Wisdom]

Call out

 A space at the beginning of the line will 
call out the text and use a mono font. Normal text formatting also works in a call out box. But... - bullet -- another bullet ---- # item ## another item :item:description ||Table||Item|| * Header boxes, lists, tables and lines do not work in a call out box.

Unordered list

Ordered list

  1. Numeric
  2. etc
    1. Cap Alpha
    2. etc
      1. Cap Roman
      2. etc
        1. Lower Alpha
          1. Lower Roman
            1. Greek
            2. etc
            3. etc
              1. Hebrew
              2. etc
              3. etc


item 1

definition 1

item 2:

another definition : that includes colons

AND Table

Input A Input B Output X
0 0 0
1 0 0
0 1 0
1 1 1

Add a code box

 (define (square y) 
   (* y y)) 
 (define (average x y) 
   (/ (+ x y) 2)) 
 (define (improve y x) 
   (average y (/ x y))) 
 (define (test? y x) 
   (< (abs (- (square y) x)) 0.0001)) 
 (define (iterate y x) 
   (if (test? y x) 
       (iterate (improve y x) x))) 
 (define (root x) 
   (iterate 1.0 x)) 
Link to a custom page with this text WikiPageFormattingExample

(list 'this 'is 'so 'cool)

fold defghi


World Domination Enterprises is a nice place. scheme (lambda () #t) is a thunk. This is the way the world ends. This is the way the world begins. This is the way the world ends... World is alive, long live the world!


This is a long blockquote. By posting, you will grant the rights to modify and distribute your submission under the terms of the Attribution ShareAlike 2.0 license. See wiki-license for more information.By posting, you will grant the rights to modify and distribute your submission under the terms of the Attribution ShareAlike 2.0 license. See wiki-license for more information.By posting, you will grant the rights to modify and distribute your submission under the terms of the Attribution ShareAlike 2.0 license. See wiki-license for more information.


Beware of the spiders, they might eat you!



This is the sand-box please don't just let this page sit here. Modify as you like!


hello scheme addicts.



eh. srfi:1 delay [$$r5rs not-in-r5rs]] Why doesn't the following go quite where I want? WikiPedia:Datatype#Type_checking But this does: Numeric datatype ranges.

  ;; Not a comment
  I like it RAW!!!

Asterisk for Header, ey?

Is this a table A B C
And this works too?

this emphasis and this more

  1. this is a list test
  2. numbered

ROBO was here.


My turn to edit

  1. list numbered what happens to this line?
  2. numbered
table 11 table 12
table 21 table 22

emphasis much emphasis


Just a test of the arrows. Why am I drinking olive juice? Thank you. Have a a nice day.

hey! I love g00000e. :-)

 (define cont #f) 
 (list 1 2 
   (call/cc (lambda (k) 
               (set! list max) 
               (set! cont k) 


let me see how to use this wiki.


 (define (inc x) 
    (+ x 1)) 

"that's all"

Goeie dag mense

Wiki Box? 2006-02-11 08:36:05 Today is a gray and rainy day in Sunny South Africa .. What a Contrast

Col 1 Col 2 Col 3
Row 1 hello Row 1 More Row 1 Even More


Here is my own page.