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Does this make sense?

(define W1 (make-withdraw 100))

When make-withdraw is evaluated, E0 is created with Frame A having the
initial-mount binding. Next, as a result of the evaluation of the 
anonymous function (generated by the set (Edit: let?) structure), Frame B is created
with the binding of balance (E1 is the pointer to this frame).

global->| make-withdraw : *     |
env.    | W1 :  *         |     |
                |   |     |   |
                |   |     parameter: initial-mount
                |   |     body: ((lambda (balance) ((...))) initial-mount)
                |   |
                |  _|___Frame_A__________
                | | initial-mount : 100  |<- E0
                |  -^--------------------
                |   |
                |  _|__________Frame_B______
                | | balance : initial-mount | <- E1
                |  -^-----------------------
                |   |
                parameter: amount
                body: (if (>= balance amount) ... )

(W1 50)

Set! will affect Frame B, initial-mount remains unchanged in Frame A. 
global->| make-withdraw : *     |
env.    | W1 :  *         |     |
                |   |     |   |
                |   |     parameter: initial-mount
                |   |     body: ((lambda (balance) ((...))) initial-mount)
                |   |
                |  _|___Frame_A__________
                | | initial-mount : 100  |<- E0
                |  -^--------------------
                |   |
                |  _|__________Frame_B___
                | | balance : 50         | <- E1
                |  -^--------------------
                |   |
                parameter: amount
                body: (if (>= balance amount) ... )


It's interesting to see that the redundant lambda expression created a redundant frame. The W1 procedure will only interact with the second created frame that has the value of balance.