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 Now with more ASCII art! 
 (define (count-pairs x) 
   (if (not (pair? x)) 
       (+ (count-pairs (car x)) 
          (count-pairs (cdr x)) 
 (define str1 '(foo bar baz)) 
 (count-pairs str1) ; 3 
 ; str1 -> ( . ) -> ( . ) -> ( . ) ->null 
 ;          |        |        | 
 ;          v        v        v 
 ;         'foo     'bar     'baz 
 (define x '(foo)) 
 (define y (cons x x)) 
 (define str2 (list y)) 
 (count-pairs str2) ; 4 
 ; str2 -> ( . ) -> null 
 ;          | 
 ;          v 
 ;         ( . ) 
 ;          | | 
 ;          v v 
 ;         ( . ) -> 'null 
 ;          | 
 ;          v 
 ;         'foo 
 (define x '(foo)) 
 (define y (cons x x)) 
 (define str3 (cons y y)) 
 (count-pairs str3) ; 7 
 ; str3 -> ( . ) 
 ;          | | 
 ;          v v 
 ;         ( . ) 
 ;          | | 
 ;          v v 
 ;         ( . ) -> null 
 ;          | 
 ;          v 
 ;         'foo 
 (define str4 '(foo bar baz)) 
 (set-cdr! (cddr str4) str4) 
 (count-pairs str4) ; maximum recursion depth exceeded 
 ;          ,-------------------, 
 ;          |                   | 
 ;          v                   | 
 ; str4 -> ( . ) -> ( . ) -> ( . ) 
 ;          |        |        | 
 ;          v        v        v 
 ;         'foo     'bar     'baz 

 (count-pairs (list 'a 'b 'c))  ;; => 3 
 (define second (cons 'a 'b)) 
 (define third (cons 'a 'b)) 
 (define first (cons second third)) 
 (set-car! third second) 
 (count-pairs first)  ;; => 4 
 (define third (cons 'a 'b)) 
 (define second (cons third third)) 
 (define first (cons second second)) 
 (count-pairs first)  ;; => 7 
 (define lst (list 'a 'b 'c)) 
 (set-cdr! (cddr lst) lst) 
 (count-pairs lst)  ;; never returns 


Another structure for the "return 4" case.

 (define q '(a b)) 
 (define r4 (cons q (cdr q))) 
 (count-pairs r4) ; 4 
 ; r4 -> ( . ) 
 ;        | | 
 ;        | +-----+ 
 ;        v       v 
 ;      ( . )-->( . )-> null 
 ;       |       | 
 ;      'a      'b