;; a
;; (A or B) is equivalent to (not ((not A) and (not B)))
(define(or-gate a1 a2 output)(let((c1 (make-wire))(c2 (make-wire))(c3 (make-wire)))(inverter a1 c1)(inverter a2 c2)(and-gate c1 c2 c3)(inverter c3 output)));; b
the delay is the sum of and-gate-delay plus twice inverter-delay.
Even if both inputs were to change simultaneously, the delay would still be twice inverter + and delay, since both inverters for the input wires work at the same time.
the delay is the sum of and-gate-delay plus triple inverter-delay.
twice. because only one of a1,a2 changes so that inverter only act once.
Even if both inputs were to change simultaneously, the delay would still be twice inverter + and delay, since both inverters for the input wires work at the same time.