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(define (ripple-carry-adder a-list b-list s-list c) (if (null? a-list) (begin (set-signal! c 0) c) (begin (full-adder (car a-list) (car b-list) (ripple-carry-adder (cdr a-list) (cdr b-list) (cdr s-list) (make-wire)) (car s-list) c) c))) ;; ============================test============================ (define (inc init) (lambda (m) (cond ((number? m) (set! init (+ init m))) ((eq? m 'get) init)))) (define counter (inc 0)) (define (read-count) (counter 1) (counter 'get)) (define (make-wire) (cons'c (read-count))) (define set-signal! set-cdr!) (define (full-adder a b c-in sum c-out) (newline) (display (list a b c-in sum c-out))) (load "ripple-carry-adder.scm") (ripple-carry-adder (list 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8) (list 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8) (list 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8) (cons 'c 'out)) ; (define t-and and-gate-delay) ; (define t-or or-gate-delay) ; (define t-not inverter-delay) ; (define t-ha-s (+ t-and (max t-or (+ t-not t-and)))) ; (define t-ha-s ; (if (>= t-or (+ t-not t-and)) ; (+ t-and t-or) ; (+ (* 2 t-and) t-not))) ; (define t-ha-c t-and) ; (define t-fa-s (+ t-ha-s (max 0 t-ha-s))) ; (define t-fa-s (* 2 t-ha-s)) ; (define t-fa-c (+ t-or (max t-ha-c (+ t-ha-c (max 0 t-ha-s))))) ; (define t-fa-c (+ t-or t-ha-c t-ha-s)) ; (define t-fa-c (+ t-or t-and t-ha-s)) ; (= (- t-fa-s t-fa-c) (- t-ha-s t-or t-and)) ; (if (>= t-or (+ t-not t-and)) ; (= t-fa-s t-fa-c) ; (>= t-fa-s t-fa-c)) ; (= (max t-fa-s t-fa-c) t-fa-s) ; (define t-fa t-fa-s) ; (define t-rca-c (+ t-fa-c (max 0 0 t-rca-c1))) ; (define t-rca-c (+ t-fa-c t-rca-c1)) ; (define t-rca-ci (+ t-fa-c t-rca-ci+1)) ; (define t-rca-s1 (+ t-fa-s (max 0 0 t-rca-c1))) ; (define t-rca-s1 (+ t-fa-s t-rca-c1)) ; (define t-rca (max t-rca-c t-rca-s1 t-rca-s2 ... t-rca-sn)) ; (define t-rca t-rca-s1) ; (define t-rca (+ t-fa-s t-rca-cn (* (- n 1) t-fa-c))) ; (define t-rca-cn 0) ; (define t-rca ; (+ (* (- n 1) t-or) ; (* (- n 1) t-and) ; (* (+ n 1) t-ha-s))) ; (define t-rca ; (if (>= t-or (+ t-not t-and)) ; (* 2 n (+ t-or t-and)) ; (+ (* (- n 1) t-or) ; (* (+ n 1) t-not) ; (* (+ (* 3 n) 1) t-and))))
What is the delay needed to obtain the complete output from an n -bit ripple-carry adder, expressed in terms of the delays for and-gates, or-gates, and inverters?
Added a couple of convenience procedures if someone wants to play with adders and multipliers
the delays of An or Bn are always 0,so the delays of Cn and Sn are only depends on Cn-1-delay. the recursion formula of Cn-delay is
and C0-delay equals 0,so the general formula of Cn-delay is
Sn-delay is