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(define sum 0) ;; sum => 0 (define (accum x) (set! sum (+ x sum)) sum) ;; sum => 0 (define seq (stream-map accum (stream-enumerate-interval 1 20))) ;; sum => 1 (define y (stream-filter even? seq)) ;; sum => 6 (define z (stream-filter (lambda (x) (= (remainder x 5) 0)) seq)) ;; sum => 10 (stream-ref y 7) ;; sum => 136 ;; => 136 (display-stream z) ;; sum => 210 ;; => (10 15 45 55 105 120 190 210)
If we had not memoized the results of delayed evaluations, we would need to recalculate the elements that `stream-ref' created when we were evaluating `display-stream'. Thus, the results would be different, because the accumulator would add those to the sum twice.
Note that if a stream has side-effects, the side-effect of the stream-car will only ever be expressed once, and this is true for memoized and un-memoized streams. This is because of our definition of a stream as a value-thunk pair. The definition of stream in effect automatically caches the stream-car as the value part of the value-thunk pair.
+----------------+-------------+-------------+--------------+--------------+ | | SICP Scheme | SICP Scheme | Racket With | Racket With | | | With | Without | Text's | Built in | | sum after: | Memoization | Memoization | Map & Filter | Map & Filter | +----------------+-------------+-------------+--------------+--------------+ | define accum | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | +----------------+-------------+-------------+--------------+--------------+ | define seq | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | +----------------+-------------+-------------+--------------+--------------+ | define y | 6 | 6 | 6 | 0 | +----------------+-------------+-------------+--------------+--------------+ | define z | 10 | 15 | 10 | 0 | +----------------+-------------+-------------+--------------+--------------+ | stream-ref | 136 | 162 | 136 | 136 | +----------------+-------------+-------------+--------------+--------------+ | display-stream | 210 | 362 | 210 | 210 | +----------------+-------------+-------------+--------------+--------------+ Printed response with memoization: 10, 15, 45, 55, 105, 120, 190, 210 Printed response without memoization: 15, 180, 230, 305 Printed response with Racket: 10, 15, 45, 55, 105, 120, 190, 210 Unlike generators and streams from most languages, including modern Scheme, the first element of the stream is not delayed and is evaluated at creation time. With memoization this doesn't make a difference to the elements of seq (and hence values of sum) as they are evaluated just once and always in the same order. But without memoization several elements are evaluated more than once and the order in which they are evaluated will affect the values of seq. The lack of a delay for the first item of a stream is discussed in the Rationale of SRFI 41 (Scheme Request For Implementation) where Abelson and Sussman's implementation is described as 'odd' streams and this chapter of SICP is referenced for understanding 'odd' streams. However, 'even' streams (Wadler et al), which do delay the first item, predominate today. The non-memoizing results were obtained by implementing a non-memoizing stream using the language implementation from Chapter 4. ============================================================================ == With Memoization ====================================================== ============================================================================ Call to define seq: =================== sum: 0 | interval: | 1 ---------------+-- seq: | 1 Call to define y: ================= sum: 1 | car seq: 1 | 1 interval: 1 | 2 3 seq: | 3 6 ---------------+------ y: | - - 6 Call to define z: ================= sum: 6 | car seq: 1 | 1 car y: 6 | interval: 3 | 4 seq: | 10 memoized: | 3 6 ---------------+--------- z: | - - - 10 Call to stream-ref y 7 ====================== sum: 10 | car seq: 1 | car y: 6 | 6 car z: 10 | interval: 4 | 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 seq: | 15 21 28 36 45 55 66 78 91 105 120 136 memoized: | 10 ---------------+-------------------------------------------- stream-ref: | 6 10 - - 28 36 - - 66 78 - - 120 136 Call to display-stream ====================== sum: 136 | car seq: 1 | car y: 6 | car z: 10 | 10 interval: 16 | 17 18 19 20 seq: | 153 171 190 210 memoized: | 15 21 28 36 45 55 66 78 91 105 120 136 ---------------+---------------------------------------------------------- display-stream:| 10 15 - - - 45 55 - - - 105 120 - - - 190 210 ============================================================================ == Without Memoization =================================================== ============================================================================ Call to define seq: =================== sum: 0 | interval: | 1 ---------------+-- seq: | 1 Call to define y: ================= sum: 1 | car seq: 1 | 1 interval: 1 | 2 3 seq: | 3 6 ---------------+------ y: | - - 6 Call to define z: ================= sum: 6 | car seq: 1 | 1 car y: 6 | interval: 1 | 2 3 4 seq: | 8 11 15 ---------------+---------- z: | - - - 15 Call to stream-ref y 7 ====================== sum: 15 | car seq: 1 | car y: 6 | 6 car z: 15 | interval: 3 | 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 seq: | 19 24 30 37 45 54 64 75 87 100 114 129 145 162 ---------------+------------------------------------------------- streamm-ref: | 6 - 24 30 - - 54 64 - - 100 114 - - 162 Call to display-stream ====================== sum: 162 | car seq: 1 | car y: 6 | car z: 15 | 15 interval: 4 | 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ... 16 17 18 19 20 seq: | 167 173 180 188 197 207 218 230 ... 288 305 323 342 362 ---------------+----------------------------------- ------------------- display-stream:| 15 - - 180 - - - - 230 ... - 305 - - -