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Again no need to cons-stream 0 in this case.
This had to be done in the non-modular (i.e. without using stream-map) 3.74 and 3.75 cases because the function had to be provided with an (arbitrary) initial value of 0 (and presumably the first couple of elements of output stream discarded)
With stream-map, there is no need for an arbitrary initial value for the sense-data: Thus:
(define (smooth input-stream) (stream-map (lambda (x y) (/ (+ x y) 2)) input-stream (stream-cdr input-stream))) (define (zero-crossings input-stream) (stream-map sign-change-detector input-stream (stream-cdr input-stream))) (define (smoothed-zero-crossing sense-data) (zero-crossings (smooth sense-data)))
(define (average a b) (/ (+ a b) 2)) (define (smooth stream proc) (stream-map proc (stream-cdr stream) stream)) (define (sign-change-detector now before) (cond ((and (> before 0) (< now 0)) (- 1)) ((and (< before 0) (> now 0)) 1) (else 0))) (define (make-zero-crossings input-stream) (stream-map sign-change-detector (stream-cdr input-stream) input-stream)) (define zero-crossings (make-zero-crossings (smooth sense-data average)))
I disagree that we should leave off the initial zero, without it you lose the zero crossing of the first two proper elements of the stream.
(define sense-data (cons-stream 5 (cons-stream -8 (cons-stream -7 (cons-stream -1 sense-data))))) (define (smooth input-stream) (define (avg x y) (/ (+ x y) 2)) (s-map avg input-stream (tail input-stream))) (display-stream-until 6 (smooth sense-data)) (define (make-zero-crossings-modular input-stream) (let ((smoothed (cons-stream (head input-stream ) (smooth input-stream)))) (s-map sign-change-detector (tail smoothed) smoothed))) (define zero-crossings-modular (make-zero-crossings-modular sense-data)) (display-stream-until 6 zero-crossings-modular)
Using the sense data above we get: -1 0 0 1 -1 0 0
If you drop the cons-stream you don't get the zero crossing for 5 to -8; the result stream starts at the first 0 for the sensing data provided.
This assumes the stream starts in an off state, so we start with a zero, if it were an on stream that we just picked up at our first sensing data we could cons the head of the sensing data onto itself.