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 In chapter 3, the car is not lazy. but here car and cdr are all lazy-evaluated. then we can build a lazy tree, all the branches of the tree are lazy-evaluated. 


 ; different examples 
 ; in the normal interpreter, "this is car" is printed 
 (define show-1 
             (display 'this-is-car) 
             (display 'this-is-cdr) 
 ; in the lazy evaluation interpreter, it is not 
 (define show-2 
             (display 'this-is-car) 
             (display 'this-is-cdr) 
 ; examples of applications 
 ; in lazy evaluators, you don't have to worry about the order of definitions 
 (define infinite-matrix-ones (cons ones infinite-matrix-ones)) 
 (define ones (cons 1 ones)) 
 (define (matrix-ref matrix x y) (list-ref (list-ref matrix x) y)) 
 (matrix-ref infinite-matrix-ones 5011 10)