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; This works but is is less efficient than meteorgans answer becuase it ; searches for the label each time an instruction is executed. ; added a `labels variable to `make-new-machine with a message `install-labels ; and a message `print-labels. ; The assemble will pass the `install-labels message in the recieve procedure ; it passes to `extract-labels. ; created a procedure `inst-label which takes and instruction as argument and ; returns the label under which the instruction is. ; This is know printed by the execute procedure also. ; Each label has all the instruction starting from the one that follows it ; till the last one. ; this procedure is internal to make-new-machine (define (inst-label inst) (define (inst-label-iter inst lst) (if (member inst (car lst)) (caar lst) (inst-label-iter inst (cdr lst)))) (inst-label-iter inst (reverse labels))) ; new messages in make-new-machine ((eq? message 'install-labels) (lambda (lbls) (set! labels lbls) 'done)) ((eq? message 'print-labels) (lambda () labels)) ; modified assemble procedure. (define (assemble controller-text machine) (extract-labels controller-text (lambda (insts labels) ((machine 'install-labels) labels) ; install the labels. (update-insts! insts labels machine) insts)))
;;my solution trace the "goto" inst and "branch" inst to update the current-label. need a little more work to store the first-label ;;add this at the begin of "make-new-machine" proc, (current-label 'first-label) ;;update execute (define (execute) (let ((insts (get-contents pc))) (if (null? insts) 'done (let ((inst (car insts))) (begin (cond ((trace-on) (display current-label);*** (newline) (display (instruction-text inst)) (newline))) ((instruction-execution-proc inst)) (set! instruction-number (+ instruction-number 1)) ;*** (if (or (tagged-list? (instruction-text inst) 'goto) (and (tagged-list? (instruction-text inst) 'branch) (get-contents flag))) (set! current-label (label-exp-label (cadr (instruction-text))))) ;*** (execute))))))
I did this by adding the labels to the list of instructions. It works but it is a BAD solution as it effectively breaks the instruction list interface as each consumer of the instruction list now needs to check each instruction to see if it is a real instruction or just a label.
(define (make-stack) (let ((s '()) (number-pushes 0) (max-depth 0) (current-depth 0)) (define (push x) (set! s (cons x s)) (set! number-pushes (+ 1 number-pushes)) (set! current-depth (+ 1 current-depth)) (set! max-depth (max current-depth max-depth))) (define (pop) (if (null? s) (error "Empty stack -- POP" 'pop) (let ((top (car s))) (set! s (cdr s)) (set! current-depth (- current-depth 1)) top))) (define (initialize) (set! s '()) (set! number-pushes 0) (set! max-depth 0) (set! current-depth 0) 'done) (define (print-statistics) (newline) (for-each display (list "total-pushes: " number-pushes "\n" "maximum-depth: " max-depth "\n" ))) (define (dispatch message) (cond ((eq? message 'push) push) ((eq? message 'pop) (pop)) ((eq? message 'initialize) (initialize)) ((eq? message 'print-statistics) (print-statistics)) (else (error "Unknown request -- STACK" message)))) dispatch)) (define input-prompt ";;; Factorial-Machine input:") (define output-prompt ";;; Factorial-Machine output:") (define (prompt-for-input string) (newline) (newline) (display string) (newline)) (define (announce-output string) (newline) (display string) (newline)) (define (driver-loop) (prompt-for-input input-prompt) (let ((n (read))) (announce-output output-prompt) (cond [(eq? n 'quit) (display "goodbye\n")] [(eq? n 'trace-on) (factorial-machine 'trace-on) (display "enable trace\n") (driver-loop)] [(eq? n 'trace-off) (factorial-machine 'trace-off) (display "disable trace\n") (driver-loop)] [(integer? n) (set-register-contents! factorial-machine 'n n) (start factorial-machine) (display "value: ") (display (get-register-contents factorial-machine 'val)) (newline) (driver-loop)] [else (display "Unknown input, try again!\n") (driver-loop)]))) (define (assemble controller-text machine) (extract-labels controller-text (lambda (insts labels) (update-insts! insts labels machine) ((machine 'install-instruction-labels) labels) insts))) ;** (define (make-new-machine) (let ((pc (make-register 'pc)) (flag (make-register 'flag)) (stack (make-stack)) (the-instruction-sequence '()) (the-instruction-labels '()) (trace-switch #t)) (let ((the-ops (list (list 'initialize-stack (lambda () (stack 'initialize))) ;;**next for monitored stack (as in section 5.2.4) ;; -- comment out if not wanted (list 'print-stack-statistics (lambda () (stack 'print-statistics))))) (register-table (list (list 'pc pc) (list 'flag flag)))) (define (allocate-register name) (if (assoc name register-table) (error "Multiply defined register: " name) (set! register-table (cons (list name (make-register name)) register-table))) 'register-allocated) (define (lookup-register name) (let ((val (assoc name register-table))) (if val (cadr val) (error "Unknown register:" name)))) (define (lookup-insts labels insts) (let ((val (assoc insts labels))) (if val (cdr val) #f))) (define (execute cnt) (let ((insts (get-contents pc))) (if (null? insts) 'done (begin (if trace-switch (begin (let ((label (lookup-insts the-instruction-labels insts))) (if label (begin (display "\t") (display label) (newline)))) (display cnt) (display ":\t") (display (instruction-text (car insts))) (newline))) ((instruction-execution-proc (car insts))) (execute (+ 1 cnt)))))) (define (dispatch message) (cond ((eq? message 'start) (set-contents! pc the-instruction-sequence) (execute 1)) ((eq? message 'install-instruction-sequence) (lambda (seq) (set! the-instruction-sequence seq))) ((eq? message 'install-instruction-labels) ;** (lambda (labels) (set! the-instruction-labels (map (lambda (x) (cons (cdr x) (car x))) labels)))) ((eq? message 'allocate-register) allocate-register) ((eq? message 'get-register) lookup-register) ((eq? message 'install-operations) (lambda (ops) (set! the-ops (append the-ops ops)))) ((eq? message 'stack) stack) ((eq? message 'operations) the-ops) ((eq? message 'trace-on) (set! trace-switch #t)) ((eq? message 'trace-off) (set! trace-switch #f)) (else (error "Unknown request -- MACHINE" message)))) dispatch))) (define factorial-machine (make-machine '(continue n val) (list (list '= =) (list '* *) (list '- -)) '( (perform (op initialize-stack)) (assign continue (label factorial-done)) factorial-loop (test (op =) (reg n) (const 0)) (branch (label base-case)) (test (op =) (reg n) (const 1)) (branch (label base-case)) (save continue) (save n) (assign continue (label after-factorial)) (assign n (op -) (reg n) (const 1)) (goto (label factorial-loop)) after-factorial (restore n) (restore continue) (assign val (op *) (reg val) (reg n)) (goto (reg continue)) base-case (assign val (const 1)) (goto (reg continue)) factorial-done (perform (op print-stack-statistics)) ))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;test ;;; Factorial-Machine input: 1 ;;; Factorial-Machine output: 1: (perform (op initialize-stack)) 2: (assign continue (label factorial-done)) factorial-loop 3: (test (op =) (reg n) (const 0)) 4: (branch (label base-case)) 5: (test (op =) (reg n) (const 1)) 6: (branch (label base-case)) base-case 7: (assign val (const 1)) 8: (goto (reg continue)) factorial-done 9: (perform (op print-stack-statistics)) total-pushes: 0 maximum-depth: 0 value: 1 ;;; Factorial-Machine input: 2 ;;; Factorial-Machine output: 1: (perform (op initialize-stack)) 2: (assign continue (label factorial-done)) factorial-loop 3: (test (op =) (reg n) (const 0)) 4: (branch (label base-case)) 5: (test (op =) (reg n) (const 1)) 6: (branch (label base-case)) 7: (save continue) 8: (save n) 9: (assign continue (label after-factorial)) 10: (assign n (op -) (reg n) (const 1)) 11: (goto (label factorial-loop)) factorial-loop 12: (test (op =) (reg n) (const 0)) 13: (branch (label base-case)) 14: (test (op =) (reg n) (const 1)) 15: (branch (label base-case)) base-case 16: (assign val (const 1)) 17: (goto (reg continue)) after-factorial 18: (restore n) 19: (restore continue) 20: (assign val (op *) (reg val) (reg n)) 21: (goto (reg continue)) factorial-done 22: (perform (op print-stack-statistics)) total-pushes: 2 maximum-depth: 2 value: 2