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The same thing must also be done with ev-assignment. And set-variable-value. And for b.
(define safe-primitives (list car cdr /)) (define (apply-primitive-procedure proc args) (if debug (display (list 'apply-primitive proc args)) (newline)) (let ((primitive (primitive-implementation proc))) (if (member primitive safe-primitives) (safe-apply primitive args) ; ex 5.30 b (apply-in-underlying-scheme primitive args)))) (define (safe-apply proc args) ; ex 5.30 b (if debug (display 'safe-apply) (newline)) (cond ((or (eq? proc car) (eq? proc cdr)) (safe-car-cdr proc args)) ((eq? proc /) (safe-division proc args)) (else (list 'primitive-error proc args)))) (define (primitive-error? val) ; ex 5.30 b (tagged-list? val 'primitive-error)) (define (safe-car-cdr proc args) ; ex 5.30 b (if debug (display (list 'safe-car-cdr args)) (newline)) (if (not (pair? (car args))) ; args is a list (args '()) (list 'primitive-error 'arg-not-pair) (apply-in-underlying-scheme proc args))) (define (safe-division proc args) ; ex 5.30 b (if (= 0 (cadr args)) (cons 'primitive-error 'division-by-zero) (apply-in-underlying-scheme proc args))) ; and this is added to the evaluator. primitive-apply (assign val (op apply-primitive-procedure) (reg proc) (reg argl)) (test (op primitive-error?) (reg val)) ; ex 5.30 b (branch (label primitive-error)) (restore continue) (goto (reg continue)) primitive-error (restore continue) ; clean up stack from apply-dispatch (goto (label signal-error))
NOTE: I use chez scheme as the implementation of Scheme.
;; some supporting procedures or objects ;; (gensym) procedure ;; returns: a unique generated symbol ;; libraries: (chezscheme) (define *UNBOUNDED-ERROR* (gensym)) (define (unbounded-error? err) (eq? err *UNBOUNDED-ERROR*)) (define (lookup-variable-value var env) (define (env-loop env) (define (scan vars vals) (cond ((null? vars) (env-loop (enclosing-environment env))) ((eq? var (car vars)) (car vals)) (else (scan (cdr vars) (cdr vals))))) (if (eq? env the-empty-environment) *UNBOUNDED-ERROR* (let ((frame (first-frame env))) (scan (frame-variables frame) (frame-values frame))))) (env-loop env)) (define *NOT-PAIR-ERROR* (gensym)) (define (not-pair-error? err) (eq? err *NOT-PAIR-ERROR*)) (define *INCORRECT-ARITY-ERROR* (gensym)) (define (incorrect-arity-error? err) (eq? err *INCORRECT-ARITY-ERROR*)) (define *NOT-NUMBER-ERROR* (gensym)) (define (not-number-error? err) (eq? err *NOT-NUMBER-ERROR*)) (define *DIVISION-ZERO-ERROR* (gensym)) (define (division-zero-error? err) (eq? err *DIVISION-ZERO-ERROR*)) ;; (procedure-arity-mask proc) procedure ;; returns: an exact integer bitmask identifying the accepted argument counts of proc ;; libraries: (chezscheme) ;; The bitmask is represented as two’s complement number with the bit at each index n set ;; if and only if proc accepts n arguments. ;; The two’s complement encoding implies that if proc accepts n or more arguments, the ;; encoding is a negative number, since all the bits from n and up are set. For example, if ;; proc accepts any number of arguments, the two’s complement encoding of all bits set is -1. ;; (logbit? index int) procedure ;; returns: #t if the specified bit is set, otherwise #f ;; libraries: (chezscheme) (define (correct-arity? impl args) (let ([arity-mask (procedure-arity-mask impl)]) (logbit? (length args) arity-mask))) (define THE-ARITHMETIC-OPERATIONS (list + - * = / > <)) (define (arithmetic-operation? op) (memq op THE-ARITHMETIC-OPERATIONS)) (define (apply-primitive-procedure proc args) (let ([impl (primitive-implementation proc)]) (cond [(not (correct-arity? impl args)) *INCORRECT-ARITY-ERROR*] [(or (eq? impl car) (eq? impl cdr)) (apply-safe-car&cdr impl args)] [(arithmetic-operation? impl) (apply-safe-arithmetic impl args)] [else (apply-in-underlying-scheme impl args)]))) (define (all-number-arguments? args) (andmap number? args)) (define (apply-safe-arithmetic impl args) (cond [(not (all-number-arguments? args)) *NOT-NUMBER-ERROR*] [(or (eq? impl /)) (apply-safe-division args)] [else (apply-in-underlying-scheme impl args)])) (define (apply-safe-car&cdr impl args) (cond [(not (pair? (car args))) *NOT-PAIR-ERROR*] [else (apply-in-underlying-scheme impl args)])) (define (apply-safe-division args) (if (zero? (car (last-pair args))) *DIVISION-ZERO-ERROR* (apply-in-underlying-scheme / args))) (define (extend-environment vars vals base-env) (if (= (length vars) (length vals)) (cons (make-frame vars vals) base-env) (if (not (= (length vars) (length vals))) *INCORRECT-ARITY-ERROR*))) ;;; some controller code fragments unbounded-val (assign val (const unbounded-value-error)) (goto (label signal-error)) incorrect-arity (assign val (const incorrect-arity-error)) (goto (label signal-error)) division-zero (assign val (const division-zero-error)) (goto (label signal-error)) not-pair (assign val (const not-pair-error)) (goto (label signal-error)) not-number (assign val (const not-number-error)) (goto (label signal-error)) ev-variable (assign val (op lookup-variable-value) (reg exp) (reg env)) (test (op unbounded-error?) (reg val)) (branch (label unbounded-val)) (goto (reg continue)) primitive-apply (assign val (op apply-primitive-procedure) (reg proc) (reg argl)) (restore continue) (test (op incorrect-arity-error?) (reg val)) (branch (label incorrect-arity)) (test (op division-zero-error?) (reg val)) (branch (label division-zero)) (test (op not-pair-error?) (reg val)) (branch (label not-pair)) (test (op not-number-error?) (reg val)) (branch (label not-number)) (goto (reg continue)) compound-apply (assign unev (op procedure-parameters) (reg proc)) (assign env (op procedure-environment) (reg proc)) (assign env (op extend-environment) (reg unev) (reg argl) (reg env)) (test (op incorrect-arity-error?) (reg env)) (branch (label incorrect-arity)) (assign unev (op procedure-body) (reg proc)) (goto (label ev-sequence)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;TEST;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; EC-Eval input: (define (square x) (* x x)) (total-pushes = 3 maximum-depth = 3) ;;; EC-Eval value: ok ;;; EC-Eval input: (square 2 2) incorrect-arity-error ;;; EC-Eval input: (square 'x) not-number-error ;;; EC-Eval input: (square a) unbounded-value-error ;;; EC-Eval input: (+) (total-pushes = 3 maximum-depth = 3) ;;; EC-Eval value: 0 ;;; EC-Eval input: (-) incorrect-arity-error ;;; EC-Eval input: (car 2 2) incorrect-arity-error ;;; EC-Eval input: (car (cons 1 2)) (total-pushes = 13 maximum-depth = 8) ;;; EC-Eval value: 1 ;;; EC-Eval input: (car 1) not-pair-error ;;; EC-Eval input: (/ 1 1 1 1 0) division-zero-error ;;; EC-Eval input: (/ 1 0) division-zero-error ;;; EC-Eval input: (/ 0) division-zero-error