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;; add a test to make-operation-exp (define (make-operation-exp expr machine labels operations) (let ((op (lookup-prim (operation-exp-op expr) operations)) (aprocs (map (lambda (e) (if (label-exp? e) (error "can't operate on label -- MAKE-OPERATION-EXP" e) (make-primitive-exp e machine labels))) (operation-exp-operands expr)))) (lambda () (apply op (map (lambda (p) (p)) aprocs)))))
(define (make-operation-exp exp machine labels operations) (let ((op (lookup-prim (operation-exp-op exp) operations)) (aprocs (map (lambda (e) (if (or (register-exp? e) (constant-exp? e)) (make-primitive-exp e machine labels) (error "Invalid Argument for operation -- ASSEMBLE" e))) (operation-exp-operands exp)))) (lambda () (apply op (map (lambda (p) (p)) aprocs)))))
(compile-lambda ...)
from section 5.5.2 subsection "compiling lambda expressions" doesn't work with this exercise.