triangular number sizes

Write a function that accepts n and returns the size of the nth triangular number. Oh no! by-induction is not tail recursive. But that's nbd given by-geometry.

 $ cat tns.rkt 
 #lang racket 
 (define (by-geometry n) 
   ; Return the size of the nth triangular number. 
   ; Take two nth triangular numbers and place them 
   ; side-by-side, apex to base.  The result is a 
   ; parallelogram of height n and width n + 1.  One of the 
   ; triangles is half the size of the parallelogram. 
   (/ (* (+ n 1) n) 2)) 
 (define (by-induction n) 
   ; Return the size of the nth triangular number. 
   ; The nth triangular number is n larger than the (n - 1)th 
   ; triangular number.  The 0th triangular number has size 
   ; 0. 
   (if (< n 1) 
     (+ n (by-induction (- n 1))))) 
 (require rackunit) 
 (do ((n 0 (+ n 1))) ((> n 101)) 
   (check-eq? (by-geometry n) (by-induction n))) 
 (check-eq? (by-geometry 63) 2016) 
 $ mzscheme tns.rkt 