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(define (map p sequence) (accumulate (lambda (x y) (cons (p x) y)) '() sequence)) (define (append seq1 seq2) (accumulate cons seq2 seq1)) (define (length sequence) (accumulate (lambda (x y) (+ 1 y)) 0 sequence))
This map can also used in tree.
(define (map p sequence) (accumulate (lambda (x y) (cons (if (not (pair? x)) (p x) (map p x)) y)) nil sequence)) ;;Test: (define a (list 1 (list 9 8) 3)) (map (lambda (x) (* x x)) a)
IMO the trickiest thing about these accumulate problems is how accumulates works. To that end I like to remind myself by starting each problem with an expaanded evaluation of accumulate, for a 2 item sequence:
;; accumulate for 2 item seq: (op (car seq) (op (car (cdr seq)) initial)) (define (append list1 list2) (accumulate cons list2 list1)) ;; expands to: ;; (cons (car list1) (cons (car (cdr list1)) list2))
Then we can use induction to prove that this implementation is right for all cases.
Actually, accumulate is same as fold-right https://www.gnu.org/software/mit-scheme/documentation/stable/mit-scheme-ref/Folding-of-Lists.html#index-fold_002dright. This is also said in Exercise 2.38.
It helped me to realize what accumulate translates to:
;; (accumulate op init (list 1 2 3) ;; (op 1 (op 2 (op 3 init)))
vs. what map translates to:
;; (map op (list 1 2 3)) ;; (cons (op 1) (cons (op 2) (cons (op 3))))
and hence map in terms of accumulate would be:
(define (map op seq)
(accumulate (lambda (next-ele mapped-seq)
(cons (op next-ele) mapped-seq))