AoC '21, Day 14, second problem, rvc

 #lang racket 
 (define (aoc14b) 
   ; Return the answer to the second half of the fourteenth 
   ; advent-of-code '21 problem. 
   (let-values (((polymer expansion-table) (read-input))) 
       (population-after polymer expansion-table 40)))) 
 ; The second problem is the same as the first problem, except with 40 rounds of 
 ; expansion instead of 10.  Unfortunately, 40 rounds moves the problem into 
 ; terabyte expansions, making useless the brute-force approach used to solve 
 ; the first problem.  Fortunately, there are two techniques available to tame 
 ; this outrageous expansion.  The first technique exploits the fact that the 
 ; problem doesn't require the expanded polymer, it only requires the monomer 
 ; population of the expanded polymer.  Rather than expand the whole 
 ; polymer in pass after pass, as was done in the first problem, the 
 ; polymer can be expanded piecemeal in adjacent monomer pairs, keeping track 
 ; of the monomer population along the way. 
 (define (population-after polymer expansions iterations) 
   ; Return a monomer census for the given polymer after it has been 
   ; expanded the given number of times using the given expansions. 
   (define population (census:new polymer)) 
     ((< iterations 0) 
      (raise-user-error 'population-after 
        "negative iterations given" iterations)) 
     ((zero? iterations) 
      (let loop ((fst (car polymer)) 
                 (rst (cdr polymer)) 
                 (population population)) 
        (if (null? rst) 
            (let ((nxt (car rst))) 
              (loop nxt 
                    (cdr rst) 
                       fst nxt expansions iterations))))))))) 
 ; Gimlet-eyed programmers will be shaking their heads because reducing problem 
 ; size won't outrun exponential behavior: the first few iterations inflate the 
 ; solution back to the original size, and the remaining iterations still 
 ; produce outrageous results.  This is where the second technique comes in: 
 ; memoization.  Adjacent monomer pairs are going to be expanded repeadedly 
 ; (there are polynomially many pairs, and exponentialy many expansions), and 
 ; memoization can assign the resulting population to those pair iterations to 
 ; avoid repeated expansions. 
 (define population-between-after 
   ; Return a monomer census for the polymer between the given monomer pair 
   ; after the pair has been expanded the given number of times using the given 
   ; expansions. 
   (let ((memo (make-hash))) 
       (lambda (left right expansions iterations) 
         (define (expansion-for left right) 
           (hash-ref expansions (string-append left right))) 
         (define (p-b-a) 
           ; Return a monomer census for the polymer between the given monomer 
           ; pair after the pair has been expanded the given number of times 
           ; using the given expansions. 
           ; There's a neat recursive formulation for expanding the monomer pair 
           ; l r in i iterations: expand the pair once to get the middle monomer 
           ; m (the look-up), then expand the monomer pairs l m and m r in i - 1 
           ; iterations (the recursion). 
           (let ((middle (expansion-for left right)) 
                 (iterations (- iterations 1))) 
             (if (zero? iterations) 
               (census:new (list middle)) 
                    left middle expansions iterations) 
                    middle right expansions iterations)) 
           (if (< iterations 1) 
               (raise-user-error 'population-between-after 
                 "non-positive iterations given ~a" iterations) 
               (let ((key (list left right iterations))) 
                 (if (hash-has-key? memo key) 
                     (hash-ref memo key) 
                     (let ((value (p-b-a))) 
                       (hash-set! memo key value) 
 (define (census:merge census-1 census-2) 
   ; Return the census that results from merging the given censuses. 
   (let ((census (hash-copy census-1))) 
      (lambda (k v) (hash-set! census k (+ (hash-ref census k 0) v)))) 
 (module+ main 
 (module+ test 
   (require rackunit) 
   (define (str-pop str) 
     (census:new (string->string-list str))) 
   ; Memoization makes writing tests tricky, because different 
   ; expansion sets may conflict if their alphabets aren't disjoint. 
   ; The easiest way around this problem is to have different test sets 
   ; use different (disjoint) alphabets. 
   (let-values (((p e) (read-input))) 
     (check-equal? (census:spread (population-after p e 10)) 2621)) 
   (let-values (((polymer expansions) 
                 (read-input "ww\n\nwx -> 1\nxy -> 2\nyz -> 3"))) 
      (lambda (p) 
         (population-after (string->string-list (car p)) expansions 1) 
         (str-pop (cdr p))))      
      '(("w" . "w") 
        ("wx" . "w1x") 
        ("wxy" . "w1x2y") 
        ("wxyz" . "w1x2y3z")))) 
   (let-values (((polymer expansions) (read-input example-input))) 
      (lambda (p) 
         (population-after polymer expansions (car p)) 
         (str-pop (cdr p))))      
 $ raco test 14b.rkt  
 raco test: (submod "14b.rkt" test) 
 9 tests passed 