AoC '21, Day 15, first problem, rvc

Find the shortest path through a grid, returning only the value and not the path.

 $ cat 15a.rkt 
 #lang racket 
   (struct-out path-map) 
   (struct-out risk-path) 
   (prefix-in array: "array.rkt") 
 (define (aoc15a) 
   ; Return the risk of the minimal risk path for the first half of the 
   ; fifteenth AoC '21 problem. 
   (find-minimal-path (read-input))) 
 (define (find-minimal-path rmap-data) 
   ; Return the risk associated with the minimal-risk path from the 
   ; start state to the goal state using the given risk-map data. 
   (define path-map (path-map:new rmap-data)) 
   (define (run-through paths) 
     ; Return a list of paths derived from the given path list.  Each 
     ; path returned is a valid, one-step extension of one of the given 
     ; paths. 
     ; Using map to run over the paths makes this a more or less 
     ; breadth-first search. 
         (lambda (p) (path-map:extend-path path-map p)) 
   ; A brute-force search: look through all paths from start to end, 
   ; return the least risky. 
   (let loop ((paths (list (risk-path 0 0 0)))) 
     (let ((paths (run-through paths))) 
       (if (null? paths) 
           (path-map:goal-risk path-map) 
           (loop paths))))) 
 (define read-input (lambda arg? 
   ; Return the risk-map described by the problem input.  If no 
   ; argument is given, use the contest problem input; otherwise assume 
   ; the argument is the string representation of a problem input. 
   (let ((inp (car (aoc-read-input (if (null? arg?) 15 (car arg?)))))) 
       (lambda (l) 
           (lambda (c) (- (char->integer c) (char->integer #\0))) 
           (string->list (car l)))) 
 ; The problem only wants the total risk, so the path consists of most 
 ; recent step taken and the risk encountered so far. 
 (struct risk-path (x y risk)) 
 ; The risk-map is a read-only representation of the program input. 
 ; The element at (x, y) in the path-map keeps track of the lowest risk 
 ; of any path reaching (x, y). 
 (struct path-map (risk-map path-map)) 
 (define (path-map:extend-path path-map path) 
   ; Return a list of valid paths one step away from the given path 
   ; according to the given path map (which is changed to reflect the 
   ; valid path extensions). 
   ; A path is valid if it is in within bounds and it's the least risky 
   ; path to a location so far. 
     (lambda (deltas new-paths) 
       (let* ((pmap (path-map-path-map path-map)) 
              (new-x (+ (risk-path-x path) (car deltas))) 
              (new-y (+ (risk-path-y path) (cdr deltas))) 
              (new-risk (+ (risk-path-risk path) 
                           (array:ref (path-map-risk-map path-map) new-x new-y)))) 
         (if (> (array:ref pmap new-x new-y) new-risk) 
               (array:set! pmap new-x new-y new-risk) 
               (cons (risk-path new-x new-y new-risk) new-paths)) 
     '((0 . -1) (-1 . 0) (1 . 0) (0 . 1)))) 
 (define (path-map:goal-risk path-map) 
   ; Return the current goal-state risk, which represents the minimal 
   ; risk of a path from the start state to the goal state.  No such 
   ; path may exist when this function is called, in which case +inf.0 
   ; is returned. 
   (let ((pm (path-map-path-map path-map))) 
     (array:ref pm (- (array:cols pm) 1) (- (array:rows pm) 1)))) 
 (define (path-map:goal-state? path-map path) 
   ; Return #t iff the given path ends at the goal state. 
   (let ((pm (path-map-path-map path-map))) 
     (and (= (risk-path-y path) (- (array:cols pm) 1)) 
          (= (risk-path-x path) (- (array:rows pm) 1))))) 
 (define (path-map:new rmap-data) 
   ; Return a new path map based on the given risk-map data. 
   (let ((pmap-data 
           (map (lambda (row) (map (lambda (e) +inf.0) row)) rmap-data))) 
      (array:new rmap-data) 
      (array:new pmap-data)))) 
 (define (path-map:start-state) 
   ; Return a start state. 
   (risk-path 0 0 0)) 
 (define example-a-input 
      "2311944581") "\n")) 
 (define example-a-input-result 40) 
 (define example-b-input 
      "67554889357866599146897761125791887223681299833479") "\n")) 
 (define example-b-input-result 315) 
 (define problem-a-result 592) 
 (module+ main 
 (module+ test 
   (require rackunit) 
     (find-minimal-path (read-input example-a-input)) 
     (find-minimal-path (read-input example-b-input)) 
 $ raco test 15a.rkt 
 raco test: (submod "15a.rkt" test) 
 3 tests passed 