AoC '21, Day 17, first problem, rvc

Find the highest apogee of a trajectory that hits the target.

 #lang racket 
 ; This seems like one of those problems where a little bit of 
 ; thinking avoids a whole lot of programming.  Here are some 
 ; observations about this problem: 
 ; 1. The probe velocity's x and y components can be considered 
 ; separately, except possibly for time in motion. 
 ; 2. Because the probe velocity's x component decreases toward 
 ; zero by 1 unit on each step, the probe stops moving 
 ; horizontally after x steps. 
 ; 3. For a target with x extent [x-min, x-max], the probe 
 ; velocity's initial x component should be x, where 
 ;   x-min <= G(x) <= x-max 
 ;   G(x) = sum i : 1 <= i <= x : i 
 ; If there's more than one such x, any one will do. 
 ; 4. If the probe velocity's y component is y, then the probe 
 ; reaches an apogee of G(y) in y steps.  Y steps after apogee, 
 ; the probe has fallen even with the sub, and is traveling to 
 ; move below the sub. 
 ; 5. In the step after the probe has fallen to the same level as 
 ; the sub, the probe falls y + 1 units below the sub; at this 
 ; step the probe should come in contact the target (because to 
 ; take more than one step to reach the target results in a 
 ; smaller apogee), that is, y-min <= y + 1 <= y-max.  Because the 
 ; problem wants maximum apogee, y = y-max - 1 gives an apogee of 
 ; G(y-max - 1). 
 ; 6. For a target [x-min, x-max], [y-min, y-max], the probe 
 ; launch velocity (x, y) produces maximum apogee G(y), where 
 ;   x is such that amin(x-min, x-max) <= G(x) <= amax(x-min, x-max) 
 ;   y is amin(y-min, y-max) - 1 
 ;   amin(a, b) is min(|a|, |b|) 
 ;   amax(a, b) is max(|a|, |b|) 
 ; x doesn't contrubite anything to the solution other than 
 ; indicating that a solution exists. 
 ; 7. As a check, take the example given on the AoC page for the 
 ; problem.  The target is x:[20, 30], y:[-10, -5]. 7*3 = 21 = 
 ; G(6), and 21 + 7 = 28 = G(7), so either 6 or 7 is an acceptable 
 ; x launch velocity for the probe, and the example has an answer. 
 ; When the probe returns to sub level in the y direction, it 
 ; should hit the target in the next step, and the largest step it 
 ; can take and hit the target is 10.  The y launch velocity is 10 
 ; - 1 = 9, and the apogee is G(9) = 9*(9 + 1)/2 = 45, which 
 ; checks with the given answser. 
 ; 8. My target for this problem is x:[128, 160], y:[-142, 
 ; -88]. 15*8 = 120, and 120 + 16 = 136 = G(16), so 16 is an 
 ; acceptable x launch velocity, as is 136 + 17 = 153 = G(17). 
 ; The y lanuch velocity is 142 - 1 for a maximal apogee of G(141) 
 ; = 141*142/2 = 10,011. 
 ; 9. This is a geometric problem, and furiously waiving your 
 ; hands is one of the worst ways to solve geometric problems. 
 ; But!  The problem requires solving exactly one instance, and 
 ; all the possible configurations, corner cases and degenerate 
 ; conditions that don't appear in the instance don't need to be 
 ; handled.  I have no doubt I'll be punished for my insolence by 
 ; the second half of the problem, but the first half of the 
 ; problem is solved with a gold star from the proctor.