AoC'21, day 9, first problem rvc

Given an array of numbers, each number in [0..9], find the local minima and return the sum of the minima plus the number of minima found. A local minima is a number i that is smaller than all its neighbors, where a neighbor is the number immediately to the left, right, above or below i.

 $ cat 09a.rkt  
 #lang racket 
   (prefix-in aoc: "aoc.rkt") 
   (prefix-in array: "array.rkt") 
 (define (aoc09a . args) 
   ; Return the sum of the low-point risk levels in the given 
   ; seabed map.  If no map is given, use the contest problem 
   ; input; otherwise assume the argument is the string 
   ; representation of a problem input. 
   (low-points-risk-sum (apply read-input args))) 
 (define (low-points-risk-sum map) 
   ; Return the sum of the low-point risks in the given map. 
   (define (low-point? v n) 
     ; Return #t iff the given value is less than all the given 
     ; neighboring values. 
     (foldl (lambda (n b) (and b (< v n))) #t n)) 
     ((risk-sum 0)) 
     (array:plus-neighbors map 
       (lambda (x y v neighbors) 
         (when (low-point? v neighbors) 
           (set! risk-sum (+ risk-sum v 1))))) 
 (define  (read-input . arg) 
   ; Return the seabed map described by the problem input.  If no 
   ; argument is given, use the contest problem input; otherwise 
   ; assume the argument is the string representation of a problem 
   ; input. 
       (flatten (car 
         (aoc:aoc-read-input (if (null? arg) 9 (car arg)))))))) 
 (define example-input 
 (define example-output 15)  
 (module+ main 
 (module+ test 
   (require rackunit) 
    (lambda (p) 
        (low-points-risk-sum (read-input (car p))) 
        (cdr p))) 
    `(("111\n101\n111" . 1) 
      ("010\n222\n030" . 4) 
      (,example-input . ,example-output))) 
   (check-equal? (aoc09a) 532) 
 $ raco test 09a.rkt 
 raco test: (submod "09a.rkt" test) 
 4 tests passed 