multiple fives

Write a predicate that determines of the input integer is a multiple of five.

 $ cat mof.rkt 
 #lang racket 
 (define (multiple-of-5? i) 
   ; Return true iff the given integer is a multiple of 5. 
   (define (powers-of-5 n) 
     ; Return a descending list of positive powers of 5 no greater than the 
     ; given positive integer. 
     ; This loop iterates O(log n) times (once for each digit in n) and does a 
     ; constant amount of work in each iteration. 
     (let loop ((po5 1) (po5s '())) 
       (let ((next-po5 (* 5 po5))) 
       (if (> next-po5 n) 
     (loop next-po5 (cons next-po5 po5s)))))) 
   (define (remainder-mod-5 n) 
     ; Return the remainder of dividing the given positive integer by 5. 
     (let ((po5s (powers-of-5 n))) 
       (if (null? po5s) 
         ; The "outer loop" does O(log n) work (the length of the powers-of-5 
         ; list).  The "inner loop" does O(1) work for each power of five. 
         (let loop ((n n) (po5 (car po5s)) (po5s (cdr po5s))) 
             ((>= n po5) 
                (loop (- n po5) po5 po5s)) 
             ((null? po5s) 
               (loop n (car po5s) (cdr po5s)))))))) 
    (zero? (remainder-mod-5 (abs i)))) 
 (define (another-multiple-of-5? i) 
   ; Return true iff the given integer is a multiple of 5. 
   (define (remainder-mod-po5 n po5) 
     ; Return the remainder of dividing the given positive integer by the given 
     ; power of 5. 
       ((next-po5 (* 5 po5)) 
        (n (if (>= n next-po5) (remainder-mod-po5 n next-po5) n))) 
       (let loop ((n n)) 
         (if (>= n po5) 
           (loop (- n po5)) 
   (zero? (remainder-mod-po5 (abs i) 5))) 
 (require rackunit math/number-theory) 
 (define (test-it f) 
   (do ((i -1000 (+ 1 i))) ((> i 1000) #t) 
     (check-eq? (f i) (divides? 5 i)))) 
 (test-it multiple-of-5?) 
 (test-it another-multiple-of-5?) 
 $ racket mof.rkt 