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(define (e-euler k)
(+ 2.0 (cont-frac (lambda (i) 1)
(lambda (i)
(if (= (remainder i 3) 2)
(/ (+ i 1) 1.5)
;Alternative solution. ; There is a repeating pattern with a cycle of 3 in the sequence of values of d. ; The first value is 1, the second a power of 2 and the third is again a 1 ; To find out the relative place of a value in a cycle take the index of the ; value in the sequence modulus 3. ; Further note the second value within a cycle goes up from 2 to 2+2 to 2+2+2 ... (define (d i) ; (define (d-iter value times-two j) (let ((j-mod-3 (modulo j 3))) (if (> j i) value (d-iter (cond ((= j-mod-3 1) 1) ((= j-mod-3 2) times-two) ((= j-mod-3 0) 1)) (if (= j-mod-3 2) (+ times-two 2) times-two) (+ j 1))))) (d-iter 0 2 1)) (define (euler-e) ;multiplication by 1.0 forces fraction to real (* 1.0 (+ (finite-cont-frac n d 100) 2))) (define (enum f n) ;displays the function values upto and including n (define (enum-iter list-of-values i) (if (= i n) (display (reverse list-of-values)) (enum-iter (cons (f i) list-of-values) (+ i 1)))) (enum-iter '() 1))
The (d i) in the alternative solution seems very inefficient since the procedure recursively recalculates all denominators from the beginning up to i instead of just the value at the index i.