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Exercise 1.6. Alyssa P. Hacker doesn't see why if needs to be provided as a special form. ``Why can't I just define it as an ordinary procedure in terms of cond?'' she asks. Alyssa's friend Eva Lu Ator claims this can indeed be done, and she defines a new version of if:
(define (new-if predicate then-clause else-clause) (cond (predicate then-clause) (else else-clause)))
Eva demonstrates the program for Alyssa:
(new-if (= 2 3) 0 5) 5
(new-if (= 1 1) 0 5) 0
Delighted, Alyssa uses new-if to rewrite the square-root program:
(define (sqrt-iter guess x) (new-if (good-enough? guess x) guess (sqrt-iter (improve guess x) x)))
What happens when Alyssa attempts to use this to compute square roots? Explain.
The default if statement is a special form which means that even when an interpreter follows applicative substitution, it only evaluates one of its parameters- not both. However, the newly created new-if doesn't have this property and hence, it never stops calling itself due to the third parameter passed to it in sqrt-iter.
To be even clearer: The act of re-defining a special form using generic arguments effectively "De-Special Forms" it. It then becomes subject to applicative-order evaluation, such that any expressions within the consequent or alternate portions are evaluated regardless of the predicate. In Ex 1.6, the iteration procedure is called without return and eventually overflows the stack causing an out of memory error.
(define (iff <p> <c> <a>) (if <p> <c> <a>)) (define (tryif a) (if (= a 0) 1 (/ 1 0))) (define (tryiff a) (iff (= a 0) 1 (/ 1 0)))
Welcome to DrRacket, version 7.5 [3m]. Language: R5RS; memory limit: 128 MB. > (tryif 0) 1 > (tryif 1) . . /: division by zero > (tryiff 0) . . /: division by zero > (tryiff 1) . . /: division by zero >
(Note: comments below apply to a previous version of this solution, which has been changed to take them into account; please refer to revisions 1–12 of the edit history to view the version on which they were made.)
I agree with jsdalton. The reason why new-if runs out of memory is applicative order evaluation, so if the plain-old if uses applicative order evaluation, it should not work either.
And I guess for a certain interpreter, maybe it should use a consistent way for all processes?
I believe the above two posters are right and the given answer is wrong.
It's stated clearly in the text that:
"Lisp uses applicative-order evaluation, partly because of the additional efficiency obtained from avoiding multiple evaluations of expressions such as those illustrated with (+ 5 1) and (* 5 2) above and, more significantly, because normal-order evaluation becomes much more complicated to deal with when we leave the realm of procedures that can be modeled by substitution."
So I don't see a reason why MIT-Scheme (which is supposedly what readers of the book use) would be any different. Plus, as andersc wrote, an interpreter would have to be consistent about the evaluation strategy it uses.
As jsdalton said. new-if is a procedure, not a special-form, which means that all sub-expressions are evaluated before new-if is applied to the values of the operands. That includes sqrt-iter which is extended to new-if which again leads to the evaluation of all the sub-expressions including sqrt-iter etc. Instead, in if only one of the consequent expressions is evaluated each time.
new-if works on my machine.
Here's my code:
2013-12-05 21:15:18 dpchrist@desktop ~/sandbox/mit-scheme/sicp2 $ cat ex-1.6.scm | grep -v ';' (define (average x y) (/ (+ x y) 2)) (define (square x) (* x x)) (define (improve guess x) (average guess (/ x guess))) (define (good-enough? guess x) (< (abs (- (square guess) x)) 0.001)) (define (sqrt-iter guess x) (if (good-enough? guess x) guess (sqrt-iter (improve guess x) x))) (define (sqrt x) (sqrt-iter 1.0 x)) (sqrt 9) (sqrt (+ 100 37)) (sqrt (+ (sqrt 2) (sqrt 3))) (square (sqrt 1000)) (define (new-if predicate then-clause else-clause) (cond (predicate then-clause) (else else-clause))) (new-if (= 2 3) 0 5) (new-if (= 1 1) 0 5) (define (new-sqrt-iter guess x) (new-if (good-enough? guess x) guess (sqrt-iter (improve guess x) x))) (define (new-sqrt x) (new-sqrt-iter 1.0 x)) (if (= ( sqrt 9) (new-sqrt 9)) 1 0) (if (= ( sqrt (+ 100 37)) (new-sqrt (+ 100 37))) 1 0) (if (= ( sqrt (+ ( sqrt 2) ( sqrt 3))) (new-sqrt (+ (new-sqrt 2) (new-sqrt 3)))) 1 0) (if (= (square ( sqrt 1000)) (square (new-sqrt 1000))) 1 0)
Here's a sample run on Debian 7.2:
2013-12-05 21:17:24 dpchrist@desktop ~/sandbox/mit-scheme/sicp2 $ cat ex-1.6.scm | grep -v ';' | mit-scheme -eval MIT/GNU Scheme running under GNU/Linux Type `^C' (control-C) followed by `H' to obtain information about interrupts. Copyright (C) 2011 Massachusetts Institute of Technology This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Image saved on Saturday October 15, 2011 at 10:11:41 PM Release 9.1 || Microcode 15.3 || Runtime 15.7 || SF 4.41 || LIAR/i386 4.118 Edwin 3.116 1 ]=> ;Value: average 1 ]=> ;Value: square 1 ]=> ;Value: improve 1 ]=> ;Value: good-enough? 1 ]=> ;Value: sqrt-iter 1 ]=> ;Value: sqrt 1 ]=> ;Value: 3.00009155413138 1 ]=> ;Value: 11.704699917758145 1 ]=> ;Value: 1.7739279023207892 1 ]=> ;Value: 1000.000369924366 1 ]=> ;Value: new-if 1 ]=> ;Value: 5 1 ]=> ;Value: 0 1 ]=> ;Value: new-sqrt-iter 1 ]=> ;Value: new-sqrt 1 ]=> ;Value: 1 1 ]=> ;Value: 1 1 ]=> ;Value: 1 1 ]=> ;Value: 1 1 ]=> End of input stream reached. Moriturus te saluto.
The poster above does not define new-sqrt-iter as recursive, as it calls the original sqrt-iter instead of itself.
We can't mimic if with cond because we can't prevent the interpreter from evaluating specific arguments.
If we use cond form instead of if, without wrapper it inside new-if - it'll still work as expected.
Read the MIT "Don't Panic" guide to 6.001 on Open Courseware for a short guide on how Edwin works (started with "mit-scheme --edit"). http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/electrical-engineering-and-computer-science/6-001-structure-and-interpretation-of-computer-programs-spring-2005/tools/dontpanicnew.pdf
This exercise is solved by trying out the new-if statement and evaluating with M-p in Edwin. You will get an error in the Scheme REPL "Aborting: Maximum recursion depth exceeded" and can look through the debugger to see how sqrt-iter loops forever.
I believe the original solution and the comments by previous posters are incorrect. new-if is a procedure, and under applicative-order evaluation, all its arguments will be evaluated first before the procedure application is even started. The third argument to the new-if procedure, i.e. the recursive call to sqrt-iter, will always be evaluated. It is the evaluation of this third argument that causes an infinite loop. In particular, the else-clause mentioned by jsdalton is never evaluated. Indeed, the new-if procedure body (which contains the cond special form) is never even applied to the resulting 3 arguments as the 3rd argument never stops evaluating itself!
jsdalton was actually referring to the 3rd argument by its name: else-clause. Your statements are thus equivalent.
I fail to see why sqrt-iter is infinitely evaluated in new-if but not in the old regular if. Haven't we defined a stopping point with good enough? Why should it continued infinitely?
Both cond and if are special forms. It's hard to follow, but pay close attention to the wording in SICP.
Page 22: "...there is a special form in Lisp for notating such a case analysis. It is called cond..."
Page 23: "This process continues until a predicate is found whose value is true, in which case the interpreter returns the value of the corresponding consequent expression..."
Take note that it says nothing about evaluating the consequent expression at this point, only returning the value. I believe that the consequent expressions are evaluated first in the case of cond. Now look at the wording for if:
Page 24: To evaluate an if expression, the interpreter starts by evaluating the ⟨predicate⟩ part of the expression. If the ⟨predicate⟩ evaluates to a true value, the interpreter then evaluates the ⟨consequent⟩ and returns its value.
Take note that in the case of if, it explicitly states that the interpreter evaluates the consequent if (and only if) its corresponding predicate is true. That is quite different.
I think, perhaps, the pretty-print is helping hide the elephant in the room here. In sqrt-iter, the call to new-if introduces an infinite recursion. Remember that arguments, if any, are evaluated before a function call. In this case, one of the arguments to new-if invokes sqrt-iter recursively and ad infinitum. The new-if procedure never executes.
I think the different between if and new-if,is new-if's <e> maybe a sequence of expressions.
"A minor difference between if and cond is that the <e> part of each cond clause may be a sequence of expressions."from 1.1.7 of SICP.
I am in curiosity for the difference.Does this may result some bugs?
(define (new-if predicate e1 e2)
(cond (predicate e1) (else e2)))
If e1 have a ability to generate "a sequence of expressions".
Then something happened.
(This text is incomplete. It is being worked on incrementally.)
I believe this solution is incorrect.
new-if does not use normal order evaluation, it uses applicative order evaluation. That is, the interpreter first evaluates the operator and operands and then applies the resulting procedure to the resulting arguments. As with Excercise 1.5, this results in an infinite recursion because the else-clause is always evaluated, thus calling the procedure again ad infinitum.
The if statement is a special form and behaves differently. if first evalutes the predictate, and then evaluates either the consequent (if the predicate evalutes to #t) or the alternative (if the predicate evalues to #f). This is key difference from new-if -- only one of the two consequent expressions get evaluated when using if, while both of the consequent expressions get evaluated with new-if.
A lenghtier explanation of Applicative Order and Normal Order is here: http://mitpress.mit.edu/sicp/full-text/sicp/book/node85.html
The link is outdated, here is the current working link. https://mitpress.mit.edu/sites/default/files/sicp/full-text/sicp/book/node85.html
I hope reading that makes the distinction between applicative vs normal order little more clear for others coming here.
But if if works the way that you suggest, why does the very first example in wjm's link generate an error?
Evaluating (try 0 (/ 1 0)) generates an error in Scheme. If if only evaluates the consequent or the alternative, it would never get to the division by zero. It seems to me - and this is what the link suggests - that even if uses applicative order.
I don't have an alternative explanation - this exercise is stumping me. The applicative vs. normal explanation made sense until I saw the try example above.
Ah, I finally figured it out. You are right. I'm going to keep my question (and this additional response) though because maybe others will have made the same mistake.
The reason the above example generates an error is because (1 / 0), the second parameter to try, is evaluated before the try is even called. The if in the body of try is actually irrelevant. An error would be generated even if try did not use the value of b at all.
As you note, Scheme behaves this way in general due to applicative ordering - parameters are evaluated before the operation is carried out. if is an exception where the "parameters" are not evaluated unless needed. So if we say instead:
Calling (try 0) does not result in an error, because the else-clause is never evaluated.