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Here is my answer. It gives x a value of 1, and all other variables are 0. So everything will be "raised" to a polynomial in x. I have also implemented mixed operation of polynomials with all the other types used in the chapter.

 (define (install-polynomial-package) 
   ;; internal procedures 
   ;; representation of poly 
   (define (make-poly variable term-list) 
     (cons variable term-list)) 
   (define (polynomial? p) 
     (eq? 'polynomial (car p))) 
   (define (variable p) (car p)) 
   (define (term-list p) (cdr p)) 
   (define (variable? x) 
     (symbol? x)) 
   (define (same-variable? x y) 
     (and (variable? x) (variable? y) (eq? x y))) 
   ;; representation of terms and term lists 
   (define (add-poly p1 p2) 
 ;   (display "var p1 ") (display p1) (newline) 
 ;   (display "var p2 ") (display p2) (newline) 
     (if (same-variable? (variable p1) (variable p2)) 
         (make-poly (variable p1) 
                    (add-terms (term-list p1) 
                               (term-list p2))) 
         (let ((ordered-polys (order-polys p1 p2))) 
           (let ((high-p (higher-order-poly ordered-polys)) 
                 (low-p (lower-order-poly ordered-polys))) 
             (let ((raised-p (change-poly-var low-p))) 
               (if (same-variable? (variable high-p)  
                                   (variable (cdr raised-p))) 
                   (add-poly high-p (cdr raised-p)) ;-> cdr for 'polynomial. Should fix this, 
                   ;; change-poly-var should return without 'polynomial as it is only used here. 
                   (error "Poly not in same variable, and can't change either! -- ADD-POLY" 
                          (list high-p (cdr raised-p))))))))) 
   (define (add-terms L1 L2) 
     (cond ((empty-termlist? L1) L2) 
           ((empty-termlist? L2) L1) 
            (let ((t1 (first-term L1)) 
                  (t2 (first-term L2))) 
              (cond ((> (order t1) (order t2)) 
                      t1 (add-terms (rest-terms L1) L2))) 
                    ((< (order t1) (order t2)) 
                      t2 (add-terms L1 (rest-terms L2)))) 
                      (make-term (order t1) 
                                 (add (coeff t1) (coeff t2))) 
                      (add-terms (rest-terms L1) 
                                 (rest-terms L2))))))))) 
   (define (mul-poly p1 p2) 
     (if (same-variable? (variable p1) (variable p2)) 
         (make-poly (variable p1) 
                    (mul-terms (term-list p1) 
                               (term-list p2))) 
         (let ((ordered-polys (order-polys p1 p2))) 
           (let ((high-p (higher-order-poly ordered-polys)) 
                 (low-p (lower-order-poly ordered-polys))) 
             (let ((raised-p (change-poly-var low-p))) 
               (if (same-variable? (variable high-p) 
                                   (variable (cdr raised-p))) 
                   (mul-poly high-p (cdr raised-p)) 
                   (error "Poly not in same variable, and can't change either! -- MUL-POLY" 
                          (list high-p (cdr raised-p))))))))) 
   (define (mul-terms L1 L2) 
     (if (empty-termlist? L1) 
         (the-empty-termlist L1) 
         (add-terms (mul-term-by-all-terms (first-term L1) L2) 
                    (mul-terms (rest-terms L1) L2)))) 
   (define (mul-term-by-all-terms t1 L) 
     (if (empty-termlist? L) 
         (the-empty-termlist L) 
         (let ((t2 (first-term L))) 
            (make-term (+ (order t1) (order t2)) 
                       (mul (coeff t1) (coeff t2))) 
            (mul-term-by-all-terms t1 (rest-terms L)))))) 
 (define (div-poly p1 p2) 
   (if (same-variable? (variable p1) (variable p2)) 
       (let ((answer (div-terms (term-list p1) 
                                (term-list p2)))) 
         (list (tag (make-poly (variable p1) (car answer))) 
               (tag (make-poly (variable p1) (cadr answer))))) 
         (let ((ordered-polys (order-polys p1 p2))) 
           (let ((high-p (higher-order-poly ordered-polys)) 
                 (low-p (lower-order-poly ordered-polys))) 
             (let ((raised-p (change-poly-var low-p))) 
               (if (same-variable? (variable high-p) 
                                   (variable (cdr raised-p))) 
                   (div-poly high-p (cdr raised-p)) 
                   (error "Poly not in same variable, and can't change either! -- DIV-POLY" 
                          (list high-p (cdr raised-p))))))))) 
  (define (div-terms L1 L2) 
    (define (div-help L1 L2 quotient) 
      (if (empty-termlist? L1) 
          (list (the-empty-termlist L1) (the-empty-termlist L1)) 
          (let ((t1 (first-term L1)) 
                (t2 (first-term L2))) 
            (if (> (order t2) (order t1)) 
                (list (cons (type-tag L1) quotient) L1) 
                (let ((new-c (div (coeff t1) (coeff t2))) 
                      (new-o (- (order t1) (order t2)))) 
                   (add-terms L1 
                               (make-term 0 -1) 
                               (mul-term-by-all-terms (make-term new-o new-c) 
                   (append quotient (list (list new-o new-c))))))))) 
    (div-help L1 L2 '())) 
   (define (zero-pad x type) 
     (if (eq? type 'sparse) 
         (cond ((= x 0) '())      
               ((> x 0) (cons 0 (zero-pad (- x 1) type))) 
               ((< x 0) (cons 0 (zero-pad (+ x 1) type)))))) 
 ;;; donno what to do when coeff `=zero?` for know just return the  term-list 
   (define (adjoin-term term term-list) 
     (define (adjoin-help term acc term-list) 
       (let ((preped-term ((get 'prep-term (type-tag term-list)) term)) 
             (preped-first-term ((get 'prep-term (type-tag term-list)) 
                                 (first-term term-list))) 
             (empty-termlst (the-empty-termlist term-list))) 
         (cond ((=zero? (coeff term)) term-list)  
               ((empty-termlist? term-list) (append empty-termlst 
                                                    (zero-pad (order term) 
                                                              (type-tag term-list)))) 
               ((> (order term) (order (first-term term-list))) 
                (append (list (car term-list)) ;-> the type-tag 
                        (zero-pad (- (- (order term) 
                                        (order (first-term term-list))) 
                                     1) (type-tag term-list)) 
                        (cdr term-list))) 
               ((= (order term) (order (first-term term-list))) 
                (append (list (car term-list)) 
                        preped-term      ;-> if same order, use the new term 
                        (zero-pad (- (- (order term) 
                                        (order (first-term term-list))) 
                                     1) (type-tag term-list)) 
                        (cddr term-list))) ;-> add ditch the original term. 
                (adjoin-help term  
                             (append acc preped-first-term)  
                             (rest-terms term-list)))))) 
     (adjoin-help term '() term-list)) 
   (define (negate p) 
     (let ((neg-p ((get 'make-polynomial (type-tag (term-list p))) 
                   (variable p) (list (make-term 0 -1))))) 
       (mul-poly (cdr neg-p) p)))        ; cdr of neg p to eliminat the tag 'polynomial 
   (define (zero-poly? p) 
     (define (all-zero? term-list) 
       (cond ((empty-termlist? term-list) #t) 
              (and (=zero? (coeff (first-term term-list))) 
                   (all-zero? (rest-terms term-list)))))) 
     (all-zero? (term-list p))) 
   (define (equal-poly? p1 p2) 
     (and (same-variable? (variable p1) (variable p2)) 
          (equal? (term-list p1) (term-list p2)))) 
   (define (the-empty-termlist term-list) 
     (let ((proc (get 'the-empty-termlist (type-tag term-list)))) 
     (if proc 
         (error "No proc found -- THE-EMPTY-TERMLIST" term-list)))) 
   (define (rest-terms term-list) 
     (let ((proc (get 'rest-terms (type-tag term-list)))) 
       (if proc 
           (proc term-list) 
           (error "-- REST-TERMS" term-list)))) 
   (define (empty-termlist? term-list) 
     (let ((proc (get 'empty-termlist? (type-tag term-list)))) 
       (if proc 
           (proc term-list) 
           (error "-- EMPTY-TERMLIST?" term-list)))) 
   (define (make-term order coeff) (list order coeff)) 
   (define (order term) 
     (if (pair? term) 
         (car term) 
         (error "Term not pair -- ORDER" term))) 
   (define (coeff term) 
     (if (pair? term) 
         (cadr term) 
         (error "Term not pair -- COEFF" term))) 
   ;; Mixed polynomial operations. This better way to do this, was just to raise the other types 
   ;; to polynomial. Becuase raise works step by step, all coeffs will end up as complex numbers. 
   (define (mixed-add x p)               ; I should only use add-terms to do this.  
     (define (zero-order L)              ; And avoid all this effort. :-S 
       (let ((t1 (first-term L))) 
         (cond ((empty-termlist? L) #f)  
               ((= 0 (order t1)) t1) 
                (zero-order (rest-terms L)))))) 
     (let ((tlst (term-list p))) 
       (let ((last-term (zero-order tlst))) 
         (if last-term 
             (make-poly (variable p) (adjoin-term 
                                      (make-term 0 
                                                 (add x (coeff last-term))) 
             (make-poly (variable p) (adjoin-term (make-term 0 x) tlst)))))) 
   (define (mixed-mul x p) 
     (make-poly (variable p) 
                (mul-term-by-all-terms (make-term 0 x) 
                                       (term-list p)))) 
   (define (mixed-div p x) 
     (define (div-term-by-all-terms t1 L) 
       (if (empty-termlist? L) 
           (the-empty-termlist L) 
           (let ((t2 (first-term L))) 
              (make-term (- (order t1) (order t2)) 
                         (div (coeff t1) (coeff t2))) 
              (div-term-by-all-terms t1 (rest-terms L)))))) 
     (make-poly (variable p) 
                (div-term-by-all-terms (make-term 0 x) 
                                       (term-list p)))) 
   ;; Polynomial transformation. (Operations on polys of different variables) 
   (define (variable-order v)            ;-> var heirarchy tower. x is 1, every other letter 0. 
     (if (eq? v 'x) 1 0)) 
   (define (order-polys p1 p2)           ;-> a pair with the higher order poly `car`, and the 
     (let ((v1 (variable-order (variable p1))) ;-> lower order `cdr` 
           (v2 (variable-order (variable p2)))) 
       (if (> v1 v2) (cons p1 p2) (cons p2 p1)))) 
   (define (higher-order-poly ordered-polys) 
     (if (pair? ordered-polys) (car ordered-polys) 
         (error "ordered-polys not pair -- HIGHER-ORDER-POLY" ordered-polys))) 
   (define (lower-order-poly ordered-polys) 
     (if (pair? ordered-polys) (cdr ordered-polys) 
         (error "ordered-polys not pair -- LOWER-ORDER-POLY" ordered-polys))) 
   (define (change-poly-var p)           ;-> All terms must be polys 
     (define (helper-change term-list)   ;-> change each term in term-list 
       (cond ((empty-termlist? term-list) '()) ;-> returns a list of polys with changed var.  
             (else                             ;-> one poly per term.  
              (cons (change-term-var (variable p) 
                                     (type-tag term-list) 
                                     (first-term term-list)) 
                    (helper-change (rest-terms term-list)))))) 
     (define (add-poly-list acc poly-list) ;-> add a list of polys. 
       (if (null? poly-list)               ;-> no more polys, give me the result. 
           (add-poly-list (add acc (car poly-list)) ;-> add acc'ed result to first poly 
                          (cdr poly-list)))) ;-> rest of the polys.  
     (add-poly-list 0 (helper-change (term-list p)))) 
    (define (change-term-var original-var original-type term) 
      (make-polynomial original-type (variable (cdr (coeff term))) ;-> cdr eliminates 'polynomial 
                      (map (lambda (x) 
                             (list (order x) ;-> the order in x  
                                   (make-polynomial ;-> coeff is a poly in  
                                    original-type ;-> the original-type (in this example y) 
                                    original-var ;-> the original-var is passed to the coeffs now 
                                    (list        ;-> each term, is formed by  
                                     (list (order term) ;-> the order of the orignal term  
                                           (coeff x)))))) ;-> and the coeff of each term in x 
                           (cdr (term-list (cdr (coeff term))))))) ;-> un-tagged termlist of 
                                                                   ;-> the coeff of the term of y. 
   ;; interface to rest of the system 
   (define (tag p) (attach-tag 'polynomial p)) 
   (put 'add '(polynomial polynomial) 
        (lambda (p1 p2) (tag (add-poly p1 p2)))) 
   (put 'sub '(polynomial polynomial) 
        (lambda (p1 p2) (tag (add-poly p1 (negate p2))))) 
   (put 'mul '(polynomial polynomial) 
        (lambda (p1 p2) (tag (mul-poly p1 p2)))) 
   (put 'negate '(polynomial) 
        (lambda (p) (negate p))) 
   (put 'div '(polynomial polynomial) 
        (lambda (p1 p2) (div-poly p1 p2))) 
   (put 'zero-poly? '(polynomial) 
        (lambda (p) (zero-poly? p))) 
   (put 'equal-poly? '(polynomial polynomial) 
        (lambda (p1 p2) (equal-poly? p1 p2))) 
   (put 'make 'polynomial 
        (lambda (var terms) (tag (make-poly var terms)))) 
   ;; Interface of the mixed operations. 
   ;; Addition 
   (put 'add '(scheme-number polynomial) ; because it's commutative I won't define both. Just 
        (lambda (x p) (tag (mixed-add x p)))) ;poly always second. 
   (put 'add '(rational polynomial) 
        (lambda (x p) (tag (mixed-add (cons 'rational x) p)))) ;-> this is needed becuase 
   (put 'add '(real polynomial)                                ;-> apply-generic will remove the 
        (lambda (x p) (tag (mixed-add x p))))                  ;-> tag. 
   (put 'add '(complex polynomial) 
        (lambda (x p) (tag (mixed-add (cons 'complex x) p)))) 
   ;; Subtraction 
   (put 'sub '(scheme-number polynomial) 
        (lambda (x p) (tag (mixed-add x (negate p))))) 
   (put 'sub '(polynomial scheme-number) 
        (lambda (p x) (tag (mixed-add (mul -1 x) p)))) 
   (put 'sub '(rational polynomial) 
        (lambda (x p) (tag (mixed-add (cons 'rational x) (negate p))))) 
   (put 'sub '(polynomial rational) 
        (lambda (p x) (tag (mixed-add (mul -1 (cons 'rational x)) p)))) 
   (put 'sub '(real polynomial) 
        (lambda (x p) (tag (mixed-add x (negate p))))) 
   (put 'sub '(polynomial real) 
        (lambda (p x) (tag (mixed-add (mul -1 x) p)))) 
   (put 'sub '(complex polynomial) 
        (lambda (x p) (tag (mixed-add (cons 'complex x) (negate p))))) 
   (put 'sub '(polynomial complex) 
        (lambda (p x) (tag (mixed-add (mul -1 (cons 'complex x)) p)))) 
   ;; Multiplication 
   (put 'mul '(scheme-number polynomial) 
        (lambda (x p) (tag (mixed-mul x p)))) 
   (put 'mul '(rational polynomial) 
        (lambda (x p) (tag (mixed-mul (cons 'rational x) p)))) 
   (put 'mul '(real polynomial) 
        (lambda (x p) (tag (mixed-mul x p)))) 
   (put 'mul '(complex polynomial) 
        (lambda (x p) (tag (mixed-mul (cons 'complex x) p)))) 
   ;; Division 
   ;; Using a polynomial as a divisor will leave me wiht negative orders. Which I donno how to 
   ;; handle yet. 
   (put 'div '(polynomial scheme-number) 
        (lambda (p x) (tag (mixed-mul (/ 1 x) p)))) 
   (put 'div '(scheme-number polynomial) 
        (lambda (x p) (tag (mixed-div p x)))) 
   (put 'div '(polynomial rational)      ;multiply by the denom, and divide by the numer. 
        (lambda (p x) (tag (mixed-mul (make-rational (cdr x) (car x)) p)))) 
   (put 'div '(rational polynomial) 
        (lambda (x p) (tag (mixed-div p (cons 'rational x))))) 
   (put 'div '(polynomial real)   
        (lambda (p x) (tag (mixed-mul (/ 1.0 x) p)))) 
   (put 'div '(real polynomial) 
        (lambda (x p) (tag (mixed-div p x)))) 
   (put 'div '(polynomial complex) 
        (lambda (p x) (tag (mixed-mul (div 1 (cons 'complex x)) p)))) 
   (put 'div '(complex polynomial) 
        (lambda (x p) (tag (mixed-div p (cons 'complex x))))) 
 ; this takes an extra argument type to specify if it is dense or sparse. 
 (define (make-polynomial type var terms) 
   (let ((proc (get 'make-polynomial type))) 
     (if proc 
         (proc var terms) 
         (error "Can't make poly of this type -- MAKE-POLYNOMIAL" 
                (list type var terms))))) 
 ; the generic negate procedure needed for subtractions.  
 (define (negate p) 
   (apply-generic 'negate  p)) 
 ; And the generic first-term procedure with it's package to work with dense and 
 ; sparse polynomials. 
 (define (first-term term-list) 
   (let ((proc (get 'first-term (type-tag term-list)))) 
     (if proc 
         (proc term-list) 
         (error "No first-term for this list -- FIRST-TERM" term-list)))) 
 (define (install-polynomial-term-package) 
   (define (first-term-dense term-list) 
     (if (empty-termlist? term-list) 
          (- (length (cdr term-list)) 1) 
          (car (cdr term-list)))))   
   (define (first-term-sparse term-list) 
     (if (empty-termlist? term-list) 
         (cadr term-list))) 
   (define (prep-term-dense term) 
     (if (null? term) 
         (cdr term)))                            ;-> only the coeff for a dense term-list 
   (define (prep-term-sparse term) 
     (if (null? term) 
         (list term)))         ;-> (order coeff) for a sparse term-list 
   (define (the-empty-termlist-dense) '(dense)) 
   (define (the-empty-termlist-sparse) '(sparse)) 
   (define (rest-terms term-list) (cons (type-tag term-list) (cddr term-list))) 
   (define (empty-termlist? term-list)  
     (if (pair? term-list)  
         (>= 1 (length term-list)) 
         (error "Term-list not pair -- EMPTY-TERMLIST?" term-list))) 
   (define (make-polynomial-dense var terms) 
     (append (list 'polynomial var 'dense) (map cadr terms))) 
   (define (make-polynomial-sparse var terms) 
     (append (list 'polynomial var 'sparse) terms)) 
   (put 'first-term 'sparse  
        (lambda (term-list) (first-term-sparse term-list))) 
   (put 'first-term 'dense 
        (lambda (term-list) (first-term-dense term-list))) 
   (put 'prep-term 'dense 
        (lambda (term) (prep-term-dense term))) 
   (put 'prep-term 'sparse 
        (lambda (term) (prep-term-sparse term))) 
   (put 'rest-terms 'dense 
        (lambda (term-list) (rest-terms term-list))) 
   (put 'rest-terms 'sparse 
        (lambda (term-list) (rest-terms term-list))) 
   (put 'empty-termlist? 'dense 
        (lambda (term-list) (empty-termlist? term-list))) 
   (put 'empty-termlist? 'sparse 
        (lambda (term-list) (empty-termlist? term-list))) 
   (put 'the-empty-termlist 'dense 
        (lambda () (the-empty-termlist-dense))) 
   (put 'the-empty-termlist 'sparse 
        (lambda () (the-empty-termlist-sparse))) 
   (put 'make-polynomial 'sparse 
        (lambda (var terms) (make-polynomial-sparse var terms))) 
   (put 'make-polynomial 'dense 
        (lambda (var terms) (make-polynomial-dense var terms))) 


emm, although I don't code as much as above, I think that we should't just set x's value as 1. Instead, we should sort them lexicographically, so that we can solve more complex situation, such as ((3y+4z)x) add ((3y+4z)x), because the coefficient of x, 3y+4z), is also sorted so we avoid the problem when add (3y+4z) and (3y+4z)