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 ; special forms 
 (define (and? exp) (tagged-list? exp 'and)) 
 (define (and-predicates exp) (cdr exp)) 
 (define (first-predicate seq) (car seq)) 
 (define (rest-predicates seq) (cdr seq)) 
 (define (no-predicate? seq) (null? seq)) 
 (define (eval-and-predicates exps env) 
   (cond ((no-predicates? exps) true) 
         ((not (true? (eval (first-predicate exps)))) false) 
         (else (eval-and-predicate (rest-predicates exps) env)))) 
 (define (or? exp) (tagged-list? exp 'or)) 
 (define (or-predicates exp) (cdr exp)) 
 (define (eval-or-predicates exps env) 
   (cond ((no-predicates? exps) false) 
         ((true? (eval (first-predicate exps))) true) 
         (else (eval-or-predicate (rest-predicates exps) env)))) 
 ; derived expressions 
 (define (and->if exp) 
   (expand-and-predicates (and-predicates exp))) 
 (define (expand-and-predicates predicates) 
   (if (no-predicates? predicates) 
       (make-if (first-predicate predicates) 
                (expand-predicates (rest-predicates predicates)) 
 (define (or->if exp) 
   (expand-or-predicates (or-predicates exp))) 
 (define (expand-or-predicates predicates) 
   (if (no-predicate? predicates) 
       (make-if (first-predicate predicates) 
                (expand-predicates (rest-predicates predicates))))) 



 ;; procedures to extract the parts of the expressions 
 (define (and-clauses exp) (cdr exp)) 
 (define (or-clauses exp) (cdr exp)) 
 (define (first-exp seq) (car seq)) 
 (define (rest-exp seq) (cdr seq)) 
 (define (empty-exp? seq) (null? seq)) 
 (define (last-exp? seq) (null? (cdr seq))) 
 ;; (and (list? '()) (number? 2) 3) => 3 
 (define (eval-and exps env) 
   (cond ((empty-exp? exps) #t) 
          (let ((first (eval (first-expt exps) env))) 
            (cond ((last-exp? exps) first) 
                  (first (eval-and (rest-exp exps) env)) 
                  (else #f)))))) 
 (define (eval-or exps env) 
   (cond ((empty-exp? exps) #f) 
          (let ((first (eval (first-exp exps) env))) 
            (cond ((last-exp? exps) first) 
                  (first #t) 
                   (eval-or (rest-exp exps) env))))))) 


 ;; (and (list? '()) (number? 2) 3) 
 ;; ; derived into "if" 
 ;; (if (list? '()) 
 ;;     (if (number? 2) 
 ;;         3 
 ;;         #f) 
 ;;     #f) 
 (define (and->if exp) 
   (expand-and-clauses (and-clauses exp))) 
 (define (expand-and-clauses clauses) 
   (cond ((empty-exp? clauses) 'false) 
         ((last-exp? clauses) (first-exp clauses)) 
         (else (make-if (first-exp clauses) 
                        (expand-and-clauses (rest-exp clauses)) 
 (define (or->if exp) 
   (expand-or-clauses (or-clauses exp))) 
 (define (expand-or-clauses clauses) 
   (cond ((empty-exp? clauses) 'false) 
         ((last-exp? clauses) (first-exp clauses)) 
         (else (make-if (first-exp clauses) 
                        (expand-or-clauses (rest-exp clauses)))))) 


 (define (and? exp) 
   (tagged-list? exp 'and)) 
 (define (and-expressions exp) (cadr exp)) 
 (define (first-expression exps) (car exps)) 
 (define (rest-expressions exps) (cdr exps)) 
 (define (and-eval-exps exps env) 
   (cond ((null? exps) 'true) 
         ((null? (rest-expressions exps)) 
          (eval (first-expression exps) env)) 
         ((true? (eval (first-expression exps) env)) 
          (and-eval-exps (rest-expressions exps) env)) 
         (else 'false))) 
 (and-eval-exps (and-expressions exp) env) 
 (define (or? exp) 
   (tagged-list? exp 'or)) 
 (define (or-expressions exp) (cadr exp)) 
 (define (or-eval-exps exps env) 
   (cond ((null? exps) 'false) 
         ((true? (eval (first-expression exps) env)) 'true) 
           (or-eval-exps (rest-expressions exps) env)))) 
 (or-eval-exps (or-expressions exp) env) 

Sticking to the book's use of 'false and 'true rather than explicitly assigning it as a boolean.


 (define (and? exp) 
   (tagged-list? exp 'and)) 
 (define (or? exp) 
   (tagged-list? exp 'or)) 
 (define (eval-and exp env) 
   (cond ((no-operands?  exp) true) 
         ((eq? false (eval (first-operand exp) env)) false) 
           (eval-and (rest-operands exp) env)))) 
 (define (eval-or exp env) 
   (cond ((no-operands?  exp) false) 
         ((eq? (eval (first-operand exp) env) true) true) 
           (eval-or (rest-operands exp) env)))) 


For the "and" part, some of the answers above don't return the value of the last expression if all expressions evaluate to true. For example, evaluating (and 1 2) should return 2. Similar case for "or". Test cases are provided below.

Note: In scheme, only "the explicit false" object will be evaluated to false, everything else evaluates to true. See Ch 4.1.3.

 ;; helper functions to make my life easier 
 (define (true? x) (not (eq? x false)))   
 (define (false? x) (eq? x false)) 
 (define false #f) 
 (define test-env user-initial-environment) 
 (define (and? exp) (tagged-list exp 'and)) 
 (define (and-preds exp) (cdr exp)) 
 (define (first-pred pred-seq) (car pred-seq)) 
 (define (rest-preds pred-seq) (cdr pred-seq)) 
 (define (no-preds? pred-seq) (eq? pred-seq '())) 
 (define (eval-and-preds pred-seq env) 
   (let ((val (eval (first-pred pred-seq) env))) 
     (cond ((no-preds? (rest-preds pred-seq)) val) 
           ((not (true? val)) 'false) 
           (else (eval-and-preds (rest-preds pred-seq) env))))) 
 (define (eval-and exp env) 
   (let ((pred-seq (and-preds exp))) 
     (if (no-preds? pred-seq) 
         (eval-and-preds pred-seq env)))) 
 ;; test and 
 (eval-and '(and 1 2) user-initial-environment) ;; 2 
 (eval-and '(and false 2) user-initial-environment) ;; false 
 (define (or? exp) (tagged-list exp 'or)) 
 (define (or-preds exp) (cdr exp)) 
 (define (eval-or-preds pred-seq env) 
   (let ((val (eval (first-pred pred-seq) env))) 
     (cond ((no-preds? (rest-preds pred-seq)) val) 
           ((true? val) val) 
           (else (eval-or-preds (rest-preds pred-seq) env))))) 
 (define (eval-or exp env) 
   (let ((pred-seq (or-preds exp))) 
     (if (no-preds? pred-seq) 
         (eval-or-preds pred-seq env)))) 
 ;; test or 
 (eval-or '(or 1 2) user-initial-environment) ;; 1 
 (eval-or '(or false 2) user-initial-environment) ;; 2 
 (eval-or '(or false false) user-initial-environment) ;; #f 
 ;; as derived expressions 
 (define (eval-and exp env) 
   (eval (and->if exp) env)) 
 (define (eval-or exp env) 
   (eval (or->if exp) env)) 
 (define (make-if predicate 
   (list 'if 
 (define (and->if exp) 
   (expand-and (cdr exp))) 
 (define (expand-and terms) 
   (if (null? terms) 
       (let ((first (car terms)) 
             (rest (cdr terms))) 
         (if (null? rest) 
             (make-if first first #f) 
             (make-if first (expand-and rest) #f))))) 
 (define (or->if exp) 
   (expand-or (cdr exp))) 
 (define (expand-or terms) 
   (if (null? terms) 
       (let ((first (car terms)) 
             (rest (cdr terms))) 
         (make-if first 
                  (expand-or rest))))) 
 (define env (null-environment 5)) 
 (eval-or '(or #f 2) env)      ;; -> 2 
 (eval-or '(or #f) env)        ;; -> #f 
 (eval-or '(or) env)           ;; -> #f 
 (eval-and '(and 1 2) env)     ;; -> 2 
 (eval-and '(and #f 2) env)    ;; -> #f 
 (eval-and '(and) env)         ;; -> #t 


For the derived or-expression, woofy's solution doesn't return the actual value and krubar's solution evaluates the true value twice, which is incorrect for a language with assignment.

Since we cannot explicitly evaluate the expression inside our local language's let-expression, as it makes each expression to be evaluated during expansion, we need to emulate it with the provided application and lambda abstractions:

 (define (or->if exp) (expand-or (or-exps exp))) 
 (define (expand-or exps)        
   (cond ((null? exps) 'false) 
         ((last-exp? exps) (first-exp exps)) 
         (else (make-application 
                 (make-lambda '(e) 
                   (make-if 'e 'e (expand-or (rest-exps exps)))) 
                 (first-exp (car exps)))))) 

I think woofy's solution remains safe as the only valid values that or and and can evaluate to are #t and #f (unlike say Common Lisp or Clojure). Shade's solution is neat but would fail (I suspect) as it would lead to accidental capture of the identifier 'e through variable shadowing.

I don't believe that is true. In the R7RS definition, section 6.3: "Of all the Scheme values, only #f counts as false in condi- tional expressions. All other Scheme values, including #t, count as true."

For example, the value returned by (or 1 #f) should be 1, not #t. (and 2 3) should be 3, not #t.

However, you are right about shadowing: if the expression being evaluated references a variable `e`, then this implementation would be incorrect. Given that we have the environment available, we could theoretically choose an unused name. If any of the predicates happened to try and bind that name, it would shadow our use of the name and be OK, so I can't think of a way that would break. I can't help but feel that is quite complicated though.

I haven't found a solution with all of the following properties. I would love to see one: 1. Implements the specification correctly (returns the correct value and not always #t or #f) 2. Does not evaluate any predicate twice 3. Gets around the name shadowing issue.