
The videos (with titles) are here:

The list of contents of the book is here:

There is not a perfect correspondence between the two, at least in part because the second edition of the book has additional material.

(The following is a guess, see below.)

Lecture Text Title
1a 1.1
1b 1.2
2a 1.3 Higher-order Procedures
2b 2.1 and probably parts of 2.2; Data
3a 2.2 or at least 2.2.4, A Picture Language
3b 2.3 or at least 2.3.1, Quotation, and 2.3.2, Symbolic Differentiation
4a N/A maybe: 2.4.3, Data-driven Programming
4b 2.4,2.5 Generic Operators
5a 3.1-3.2 Assignment, State, and Side-effects
5b 3.2-3.4?
6a&b 3.5 Streams
7a 4.1 Metacircular Evaluator
7b 4.2 Lazy Evaluation
8a&b 4.4 Logic Programming
9a 5.1,5.2 Register Machines
9b 5.4 Explicit-control Evaluator
10a 5.5 Compilation
10b 5.3 Storage Allocation and Garbage Collection

edit-hint We need to verify and correct the above and delete the below.

Subject: [sicp-vsg] Text to video map
Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2005 00:45:40 -0500

Obviously people are wondering what parts of the text
correspond to which lectures.  Having read the first few
sections of the text and watched the first two videos, I can
assert that Section 1.1 in the text covers the same material
as Lecture 1a and Section 1.2 as 1b.  With this experience
and comparing the video descriptions to the table of
contents, I expect the following straightforward
correspondence holds for the first part of the course:

Lecture Text
------- ----
   1a    1.1
   1b    1.2
   2a    1.3    Higher-order Procedures
   2b    2.1    and probably parts of 2.2; Data
   3a    2.2    or at least 2.2.4, A Picture Language
   3b    2.3    or at least 2.3.1, Quotation
                        and 2.3.2, Symbolic Differentiation
   4a    2.4    maybe:  Data-driven Programming
   4b    2.5    Generic Operators
   5a    3.1    Assignment, State, and Side-effects

4a and 5a are questionable.  After that, it gets muddier. 5b
would correspond to the middle of Chapter 3, and by the time
6a&b are completed, Chapter 3 is finished, as 6a&b and
Section 3.5 are all three titled "Streams":

   6a&b  3.5            Streams


   7a&b  4.1            Metacircular Evaluator
   8a&b  4.4            Logic Programming

I don't know if material from Sections 4.2 and 4.3 is
included in the above.

Finally, chapter 5 is slightly out of order:

   9a    5.1,5.2        Register Machines
   9b    5.4            Explicit-control Evaluator
  10a    5.5            Compilation
  10b    5.3            Storage Allocation and Garbage Collection

Again, this is all just what I surmise from reading the
titles (which you can do yourself) and should be taken with
a grain of salt.

category-texts category-learning-scheme